Monday, October 29, 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 2, ep. 2 Quippy Quotes

The second episode of the second season is a "Frankenstein" type story. It involves one of Buffy's school mates who brings his brother back to life using "science." But big brother gets a little lonely, so 'lil bro decides to make a girlfriend for him from dead girls. Can you say, ewww?


Angel (comes up behind Buffy in the graveyard): Hey! Is this a bad time?
Buffy: Are you crazy? You don't just sneak up on people in a graveyard! You make noise when you walk, you stomp, or yodel.

Giles (to an empty chair): What I'm proposing is, and I don't mean to appear indecorous, is, um, a social engagement, a - a date, if you're amenable. You idiot!
Buffy (entering the room with Xander): Boy, I guess we never realized how much you like that chair.
Giles: I was just working on...
Buffy: Your pickup lines.
Giles: In a manner of speaking, yes.
Buffy: Then if you wouldn't mind a little Gene and Roger, you might want to leave off the "idiot" part. Being called an idiot tends to take people out of the dating mood.
Xander: It actually kinda turns me on.
Buffy: I fear you. (to Giles) You also might want to avoid words like "amenable" and "indecorous." You know, speak English, not what they speak in, um...
Giles: England?

Buffy: You just say, "Hey, I got a thing. You maybe have a thing. Maybe we could have a thing."
Giles: Thank you, Cyrano.

Xander: She already knows that you're a school librarian, so you don't have to worry about breaking that embarrassing news to her.

Cordelia: Okay, I'm doing this under protest. It is not fair they are making participation in this year's science fair mandatory. I don't think anyone should have to do anything educational in school if they don't want to.

Willow: This shouldn't take long. I'm probably the only girl in school who has the coroner's office bookmarked as a favorite place.

Willow: He was a big football star. All-state two years ago. He was a running... He was a running... um, someone who runs and catches.

Angel: What I saw didn't add up to three whole girls. I think they kept some parts.
Buffy: Could this get yuckier?
Willow: They probably kept the other parts to eat.
Buffy: Question answered.

Buffy: But it's not doable. I mean, making someone out of scraps, making them live.
Willow: If it is, my science project's definitely coming in second this year.

Xander: And speaking of love...
Willow: We were talking about the reanimation of dead tissue.
Xander: Do I deconstruct your segues?

Buffy (to Giles regarding Jenny): She's a techno-pagan, right? Ask her to bless your laptop.

Giles: Ms. Calendar.
Jenny: Oh no, please, call me Jenny. Ms. Calendar is my father.

Giles: I just think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself in its virility should feel compelled to strap on 40 pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby.

Giles: Sorry about all this.
Jenny: It's okay. Although, a good rule of thumb for a first date is don't do anything so exciting that it'll be hard to top on a second date.
Giles: Believe it or not, since I've moved here to live on the Hellmouth, the events of this evening actually qualify as a slow night. Did you just say second date?

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