Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Doctor Who: The Snowmen are Coming

I cannot tell you how excited I am for the Doctor Who Christmas special. The episode, "The Snowmen," will introduce Clara, the Doctor's new companion, and a new villain played by Richard E. Grant. The episode, like many other Doctor Who episodes before it, is set in Victorian England. I think the Doctor has a thing for the Victorian era.

The BBC interviewed the main actors from the episode as well as head writer, Stephen Moffat, regarding the "The Snowmen."

Matt Smith says that the Doctor is struggling over the departure of Amy and Rory. However, he says that "it is important to show [the grief] and then propel back into adventure!" After he meets Clara, a young governess, "you get to see a different side to him," Matt said. "She is very different to Amy Pond."  And what about the villain? Matt says of Richard E. Grant, "He was a delight and brilliant at being villainous. Some actors are just made for the show and he was one of them."

Jenna-Louise Coleman, who plays the new companion says about Clara, "She is from the Victorian era and a mysterious one. Very down to earth, but feisty and curious too with numerous jobs." Jenna-Louise says that Clara "isn't intimidated by the Doctor. Instead she finds him amazing and ridiculous." Jenna-Louise also says that Karen Gillen (Amy Pond) has been great, and that Karen has sent her texts.

Richard E. Grant, who plays Doctor Simeon says, "I have been told that on pain of death I am not allowed to reveal anything about my role in the Christmas special, other than that this character has never been in Doctor Who before." Richard isn't new to Doctor Who. He played the Doctor in the cartoon digital version and in a Comic Relief spoof some years ago, before the franchise was rebooted.

Stephen Moffat, who wrote the episode, says that this Christmas special will be "epic." He says that "this is a cold and withdrawn Time Lord, wanting no part of the world around him. It's going to take a lot of Christmas spirit to get him back out those TARDIS doors."

For more of the interviews, go to Blogtor Who.

More Doctor Who Goodness!

On December 21st, the Friday before Christmas, The Brit List on BBC America will count down "The Doctor Who Ultimate List of Lists." The lists will include, the top five companions, the top five scariest moments, the top five best monsters, the top five guest stars, and the the five things you'll only see on Doctor Who. John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness) will guest star on the special.

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