Sunday, December 9, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Queen of Hearts

This was a good mid-season finale. I'm so glad they didn't drag the "Snow and Emma stuck in the Enchanted Forest" story through the whole season. It's nice to have some kind of pay-off. Having said that, I think that plot line went on too long. We went through eight episodes of Snow and Emma trying to get back to Storybrooke. Eight episodes! One journey after another. And we had to deal with Aurora and Mulan through those episodes doing pretty much absolutely nothing.

Here is the reason I like episodic TV instead of serial TV. With episodic TV, you feel like the writers have given you something at the end of each episode. You are given closure on a story that usually starts at the beginning of that episode. Not that everything has to been resolved at the end of each episode, but I like it when something is resolved at the end of an episode, instead of feeling like every episode ends with a non-written "to be continued..."

In "The Queen of Hearts," many questions were answered, which was nice. I'm glad that we got answers, so we know that the writers are thinking some things through instead of just throwing things in for unknown reasons, or even worse. not thinking everything through at all. However, there are still many questions I have that I don't think the writers have thought about. I think they're just plot holes. I'll get to some of those in my observations.


It's interesting that Belle has kept track of how many days she's been imprisoned. Or are those marks left behind from other prisoners?

I liked how the writers psyched us out for a bit, thinking that Hook was good and was going to rescue Belle, and then we found out he only wanted to know how he could beat Rumpelstiltskin. Although, I do wish he had some redeeming qualities other than being really handsome.

I liked Regina's purple gown. It was quite the outfit.

When Regina told Rumpel that she's trying to be a better mother, it reminded me of Into the Woods (as this show often does), when the Witch tells Rapunzel, "I was just trying to be a good mother." That makes me wonder if we'll ever meet Rapunzel. Hmm.

It was such a silly line when Snow says about the jail, "I haven't been here since before the curse." Of course she hasn't been there since the curse, she's been in Maine!

I want to know just how much Rumpel can see into the future. Snow says that Rumpel knew Emma would be the "savior." He seems to know a lot, but then why wasn't he able to see what would happen to Bael and prevent it?

It's sweet to see Henry reading to his comatose grandfather just like Mary Margaret read to David.

Why isn't Henry in school? It's funny how children go to school in television shows only when it's convenient.

Answer to a mystery: Regina enchanted Killian's hook so he could remove one heart. That's how he was able to remove Aurora's heart. So, if he can only remove one - we know he isn't going to be successful removing Cora's heart for Regina.

The number of people who go through the hat is the number of people who have to come back, but one of them doesn't have to be alive. That's interesting.

Answer to a mystery: Who is the Queen of Hearts? Why it's Cora, of course.

Why does Cora have to use that silly looking horn to talk? I know it was used so the audience didn't recognize her voice and know that Cora was under that veil in the "Hat Trick" episode, but what other purpose does it have? It really annoys me when writers use conceits that have no purpose in the story or the lives of the characters except to confuse the audience or keep the audience from guessing something they don't want them to know yet. There should be a purpose for everything. I guess I'm just thinking as a writer and director of plays. Everything should serve the story, and have a purpose for being there in the world of the story. Okay, I'll get off of my soapbox now (until I get on it again *wink*).

So, where is Cora's heart? It would be interesting if someone else has it, and is manipulating her. That could be a cool twist.

When you know that a person isn't going to die, then some suspense is lacking. You know that Cora isn't going to kill Hook, so when she grabs his heart, it loses some of its dramatic effect.

Here's a question about Rumpel knowing the future again. If he left the scroll with Emma's name in ink in the jail, did he know that Emma would be going into the Enchanted Forest someday? How much does Rumpel know? Or is this just one of those plot holes? I think it's a plot hole.

When Ruby and Leroy discover that Regina and Rumpel stole the magic in the diamonds, how do they know that Regina and Rumpel aren't going to use the magic to help Snow and Emma? How do they know they're true purpose?

Aurora, Mulan, and Emma all think it's their fault that they get stuck in the jail. There's a whole lot of guilt going on in that jail.

I think it's funny that because Emma was able to save them from the curse that now she's supposed to be able to save them from everyone and everything. That's an awfully big burden.

It's funny that Hook doesn't ask Cora where they're going until they're almost to Lake Nostos. And how could they get there so quickly on foot? Everything seems so compact in the Enchanted Forest.

Why did they have to have the words "28 years ago" on the screen? I think we understand where we are by now. They usually don't tell us when or where we are, and we've pretty much guessed right so far in the series.

Answer to a mystery: We now know why some people in Fairy Tale Land didn't go to Storybrooke. Cora placed a spell to keep her and Hook from going, and others were included in that spell.

How does Cora know anything about Emma breaking the curse? Arrggghhh! There hasn't been a curse, yet. Cora knows nothing about Snow being pregnant. How does she know the future? Too many characters know things they shouldn't be able to know, just so that the story will go the way the writers want it to.

Why wouldn't Snow wonder why Rumpel never used the ink to escape from the jail when he had it with him the whole time?

Again, I wonder how much of the future Rumpel can see. If he can see the future, why doesn't he know who will come through the wishing well? Or does he, and he wants to kill Snow and Emma? It seems that Emma's the only one who can find Bael for him because only she can leave the town. So, I don't think he would want her to die.

Mulan is really carrying this "I promised Philip I'd protect Aurora" thing to the hilt.

Snow and Emma get to Lake Nostos pretty quickly too. Like I said, compact.

Hook saves Aurora's heart. Aww.

Emma hit Hook hard enough to knock him out. Boy, that girl can throw a punch.

How do Regina and Rumpel know that someone is going to be coming through the portal at that exact time?

Removing the curse from the wishing well didn't have a visible effect on Regina other than maybe losing a bit of strength for a bit. Unless it turns her evil again.

Henry is quick to think they failed. Again, how do they know they're coming at that exact moment? Arrggghhh! I know. It's dramatic. But it doesn't make sense in the story.

How do Emma and Snow know that Regina and Rumpel tried to keep them from coming through the wishing well?

It was a sweet scene when Snow awoke Charming with true love's kiss. And wasn't it cute that the dwarfs were there to witness it.

It's nice to have to family back together again. I was going to say the "Swan" family, but that's not Snow and Charming's last name. What is their last name? While we're asking that, what is Charming's first name? There's a mystery I hope we get the answer to some time.

New big mystery that I'm sure they will address: Does Emma have magic?

How could Mulan put Aurora's heart back without magic? That was just too easy.

Now, I guess we're going to follow Aurora and Mulan as they try to save Philip. Oh, no! Not more Aurora and Mulan. Although, I would like to see Philip again. But then, we'll have a triangle among the three of them.  Boo!

Poor Regina. She's tried so hard since the curse was broken to be a better person, and everyone leaves her behind. Maybe it's not good to disappoint a former evil Queen who has magic.

And the Witch and the Pirate are on their way to Storybrooke.

So, will those two be able to leave the town limits since they didn't get there by way of the curse? Hmm.

To be continued... *wink*


Hook: Slave? I prefer "Captain."

Henry (to Regina): Wow, you really have changed.

Cora: Your name, pirate?
Hook: Hook.
Cora: What a clever nickname.

Cora: I'm the Queen of Hearts. Do you really think I'd be so careless as to keep my heart where everyone else does?

Grumpy: No one steals from a dwarf.
Doc: Except the Queen.
Happy: And Rumpelstiltskin.

Snow: We're going to win this fight, you know. Good always defeats evil.
Emma: You sound like Henry.
Snow: I guess optimism runs in the family.
Emma: I think it skipped a generation.

Snow: The spells were in the book.
Emma: Yea, isn't that what a spell book is - a book that has spells in it?

Snow: Told ya. Good always wins.

Hook: I may be a pirate, but I [hate] the thought of a woman losing her heart, unless it's over me.

Snow: Go!
Mulan: No, you need the compass.
Snow: And Aurora needs her heart.

Emma: I had no idea you had a soft side.
Hook: I don't. I just like a fair fight.

Cora: Oh, foolish girl, don't you know - love is weakness.
Emma: No, love is strength.

Emma: Your mom - she's a piece of work, you know.
Regina: Indeed I do.

Charming: You did it.
Snow: Did you ever doubt I would?
Charming: No. But the burning room did give me pause.

Red: How about dinner at Granny's, on me.
Emma: As long as it's not chimera, I'm in.

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