Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Arrow: Burned

This was a good episode for Arrow to return with. I like the episodes that aren't about going after someone on the The List; I like it when the episodes are more personal. This time, Laurel's friend and coworker, Joanna, loses her firefighter brother in a fire. But Joanna doesn't think that he simply died in the fire. She thinks he was murdered. Laurel wants the help of The Hood, but The Hood hasn't been seen for a while. That's because Oliver's in a funk after being bested by the other man in The Hood.  He's in such a funk that he can't even shoot a tennis ball with an arrow anymore. No! Say it isn't so!

Laurel, luckily, is one of those people in Oliver's life who can convince him to get back into the game.


Why does Detective Lance come with the officer to tell Joanna that her brother was killed, and then end up telling Laurel the news before the officer tells Joanna? And why, for that matter, would the officer come to tell Joanna? Wouldn't he tell her mother first, and then her mother tell the rest of her family?

Belly Burger - the only place the Queen's eat out. I like how common they've become. *wink*

The city misses the man in The Hood. Could the vigilante be - don't say it - a hero? Hmmm.

It's a little callous for Tommy to say that maybe he and Laurel should talk on a "less tragedy-filled day"? That's not a thing you would say to someone whose friend just lost their brother.

I don't get the phone thing. How can Laurel contact The Hood simply because they have his phone? If The Hood doesn't have his phone, he can't answer it, can he? Is it just that they have his cell number, and figure he got another phone with the same number? Wouldn't that be a bit stupid on the part of The Hood?

I like Thea in the episode. Yay! I really like the actress. I want to like her character.

Moira says she needs to be at home for her family and then she tells Oliver she doesn't care what "everyone needs." Make up your mind, woman.

Oliver should understand that Moira is a funk because Walter has disappeared. He should understand that "funk" better than anybody.

I'm surprised that Oliver didn't get there in time to save the fireman. That's pretty sad. But then, I guess it shows that he can't save everyone.

Oliver just lies there in the middle of a burning building. Uh, that's not very safe, unless his superhero disguise protects him going up in flames.

Oliver's lucky to have his own personal therapist in Diggle. He should pay him extra for that.

Thea just needs a reason to act mature.

How did Lynns start the fire in the club with just a wave of his arm - magic?

Oliver wastes a lot of precious time getting his disguise. The fire chief could have died while he was changing.

Detective Lance, how can you use your daughter like that? You think your relationship is strained right now? Oh, just wait!


Oliver: What did that prove?
Diggle: That this is one sturdy desk.

Oliver: I was wi-fi-free for a few years.

Thea (to Moira): Maybe you should start acting like my mother, so I don't have to act like yours.

Thea: What's got you all smiley? Your new club is a briquette.
Oliver: It was under construction before. Now it's just under more construction.

Thea: Sharp suit, Mom. I'm not used to seeing you without your bedroom wrapped around you.

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