Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grimm: Endangered

So, I guess there are some species of Wesen that are endangered. And there's a pretty good reason why the Wesen in this episode are endangered. Gluhenvok have a blue glowing skin when it "woges" that's very valuable. I love how excited Rosalee and Monroe are excited to learn that there are some Gluhenvok still out there. They heard about them when they were young wesen, but thought they were actually extinct. When they finally find the Gluhenvok it's like they've come face-to-face with a legend. The Grimm world just continues to became more vast and more interesting.


That murder was really grim.

I love that it takes Nick a few minutes to get a clue about Monroe and Rosalee when he comes into the kitchen. Awkward!

Nick said, "supposably." Okay, supposedly, "supposably" is a real word, but as far as I know, they are not interchangeable. It really bugs me when people say "supposably" when they really mean "supposedly." End of rant.

I love that Monroe knows something about the key - or about the map that the seven keys make. However, if he knows what the map is of when all the keys are put together, does one of the keys actually mark the spot where this treasure is supposed to be? It will be interesting to find out.

The map the keys make is in the Schwarzwald, or the Black Forest, in Germany. In the last episode we learned that the woman who might be able to help Adalind restore her powers, and who wants the baby, is the Queen of the Schwarzwald. I wonder if that has any significance.

Juliette remembers the moment she and Nick said they loved each other. We're making progress. Finally.

That is just gross - to watch her eat that.

I just love all of the folklore of the Grimms and the Royal Families that the writers created. That's quite a bit of backstory. It's so Indiana Jonesish.

The alien hunter calls himself a UFologist. Yes, you read that right, the study of UFOs. That's hilarious.

I'm so glad that Juliette is finally remembering her feelings for Nick. But she's scared to tell Nick about it because she thinks she's treated him so horribly he won't love her anymore. I can't say that it was Juliette's fault that any of this happened, but I agree with her. She has treated him pretty poorly.

And the question finally comes out of Juliette (although she asks Monroe instead of Nick); she wants to know what a Grimm is. Poor Monroe. He's been stuck in the middle of this for quite a while. Unfortunately, the answer Monroe gives Juliette is pretty engimatic. He should be a little more specific.

If the Gluhenvok knows that people may be after his "skin," why would he woge and give himself away? Does he have to be in that state in order to take the ovaries from the cows? Hmm.

The alien hunter is no UFologist. He's a Gluhenvok hunter. And, ooh, he can turn his head all the way around.

Having Monroe is like having your own personal bloodhound. *wink*

Rosalee is definitely the person you need in the event of an emergency. Calm and collected, and she knows how to deliver a baby.

Oh, slow motion bullet.

Sometimes Nick's job as a Grimm becomes a conflict of interest with his job as a cop. What a way to live.


Monroe: Bottom line, my Dad was very old-school, okay? I mean, very old-school.
Rosalee: Your Dad still hunts?
Monroe: Well, let me put it this way - I don't ask and he knows better than to talk to me about it. But their not getting any Meals-on-Wheels, I'll tell you that much.

Monroe: Bottom line, I don't want Nick to kill my parents. Not that they wouldn't give him plenty of reasons.

Nick: This is me intruding, isn't it? [awkward pause] I'm going to my room now.

Monroe: It's called a ward-lock, and I'm not talking about a male witch.

Renard: My family, as you call them, would have been happier had I never been born.

Sergeant Wu: The truth is out there... east of Portland.

George Lazure: Was the victim probed?
Wu: Nobody was probed... yet.

Nick: What is it?
Dr. Harper: Luciferase.
Nick: Please tell me that has nothing to do with the devil.

Wu: Apparently we have another witness. This one's claiming alien abduction.
Nick: So, are we talking spaceship?
Wu: No. Bronco.

Monroe (to Juliette): Look, I'm not an expert in these things, although, when it comes to you and Nick I'm certainly privy to more than most...

Monroe: A Grimm is someone who can see into the heart of darkness.

Wu: What is it about cows and aliens?
Nick: I got nothin'.

Monroe: I see you two have a book open there, which more or less portends some sort of catastrophic disaster, which in turn can only mean my date with Rosalee has been put on hold.

Nick: I'm living in an alternate universe.
Monroe: No, you just have a better understanding of the one we're in.

Monroe: Don't you need a warrant for that?
Nick. You're right. You open it.
Monroe: Oh. Okay.

Monroe: Oh, Nick. I think you put her over the top.

Monroe: We're, uh, helping, so just join in anytime.

Rosalee: What about me? What am I worth?
Lazure: More than a Blutbad.
Nick: What about a Grimm?

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