Friday, May 24, 2013

Once Upon a Time: The Evil Queen

I was a little annoyed that the flashback in this episode revisited the plot line of Regina looking for the hated Snow White so she could kill her. We've been down this path so many times before, and nothing new was revealed, except that "The Evil Queen" still had some good left in her, only to have that goodness die when Snow White revealed that she didn't think Regina could ever be good. If we're going to have flashbacks, give us something new to chew on.


I don't care if Hook is bad or good, I only know that Colin O'Donoghue is one mighty good-lookin' fella.

Greg and Tamara are just annoying. Simple as that. I like good villains. They are not good villains. Hook - now he's a great villain.

It's so convenient that Rumpelstiltskin and Lacey (Belle) walk by right at the moment that Greg and Tamara tell Hook that Rumpel is alive and tell him to look out the window to prove it.

In the flashback, Regina talks like an "evil queen," not like a queen who wants her subjects to love her and believe that Snow White is the bad one. It's all in your tone of voice.

Why does David still call Snow "Mary Margaret" even though the curse is lifted? He knew her longer as Snow, not Mary Margaret. Everyone goes back and forth with the names. And I miss Snow calling David "Charming." It's so endearing.

Rumpel is the voice of reason when he tells Regina she'll never make the people love her if she slaughters entire villages. Regina can't seem to get this fact through her thick head. She's so clueless and out of touch with reality. And it's so hard to root for her in Storybrooke when she murders all of these people just because one little girl told Regina's mother that Regina was in love with the stable boy. Storybrooke Regina is even more clueless, thinking that after she kills everyone in Storybrooke and takes Henry back to the Enchanted Forest that Henry will think of her as a hero. Why do they make Regina so dense?

So, Regina built a fail-safe into the curse. However, how was she ever going to be able to use the fail-safe trigger without magic? She didn't know that magic would be brought to Storybrooke.

It's interesting that Regina tells Henry about her plan to use the trigger to take both of them back to the Enchanted Forest and kill everyone else, and tells him that she told him because she didn't have anyone else she could tell, and then she makes him forget everything she just told him (whew, run-on sentence, I know). The real purpose for her to tell Henry was so that we, the audience, could learn her plan. Because, as she told Henry, she couldn't tell anyone else, and we had to learn somehow.

Regina trusts Hook pretty quickly. All he had to do was say some nice things about Cora.

It think it's funny that Emma tells Snow that Tamara knows their "fairy tale" names. To Snow and everyone else, they aren't their fairy tale names, they are their real names. So, Emma should have said that Tamara knows their real names.

Those chickens are so CGI. I guess no real chickens were harmed, or stepped on, in the making of this episode. *wink*

Snow White certainly is the warrior. Girl power!

It's so funny that Regina faints when she see that it's Snow that saved her.

I wonder at what point in the timeline this flashback happened. Was it just after the Huntsman tried to kill her and before she met Charming?

Why would Regina put the trigger where she couldn't get to it easily by herself?

Ah, Maleficent. Good to see you again. You look different. *wink*

It's interesting that Regina hid the trigger in Snow White's glass coffin. At least I think that's what it is.

Did Regina get her Storybrooke last name, Mills, from this moment when she tells Snow White that her family works in the mills?

Emma and Henry are hiding from Greg and Tamara in Emma's car. Not that her bright yellow VW Bug is a dead give-away that she's there.

Snow's words to Regina are so powerful that it makes Regina want to change. But the sight of all of the slaughtered villagers is even more powerful that it makes Snow say that she could never forgive Regina and doesn't think Regina will ever change.

There's no suspense when you know that Regina isn't going to kill Snow and Snow isn't going to kill Regina.

I really didn't like Ginnifer Goodwin's performance as Snow in this episode's flashback. She seemed so uncomfortable.

Didn't Regina need to use magic to go back up the elevator from below the library? Wouldn't she have realized then that her magic was gone? Unless she thought, "Oh, what the heck, I'll just push the buttons this time." *wink*

Regina thought that she gave Hook the double-cross, only to discover that she's been double-crossed herself. Oh, I guess it's true that what goes around comes around. (I must say that Hook's lucky that Regina recognized her mother's cuff, and that she wanted it back, or his plan never would have worked.)

I'd like to know where Owen was able to get "the toughest metals and machinery known to man" that can counteract magic and put them in a little cuff. Where did Owen go after he escaped from Regina's maternal little fingers all those years ago?

Why did Tamara have to ask Greg "which one" Regina was? Didn't she have the list already? How could she not know the Mayor was the Queen? I guess they just wanted to remind us again that she is "the Evil Queen."


Berkeley: It's empty, Your Majesty.
Regina: Thank you, Berkeley, I can see that.

Mary Margaret: Henry won't like it. She is his mother, despite all the horrors.

Regina: Jail cell? I don't think so.

Rumpel: You did just slaughter an entire village, maybe that's why they call you, "Evil Queen."
Regina: I am not evil. They call me that because of her. She's the evil one.

Regina: When she is gone... when Snow is dead, then they will see my kindness.
Rumpel: Through the charred remains of their homes? Yes, I'm sure that will be perfectly clear.

Rumpel: Perhaps in a week you'll be able to, uh, change your hair? Highlights? Maybe.

Regina: Time is of the essence.

Regina: About as regal as a potato.

Rumpel: Careful, dearie. A Queen striding among peasants. You might not like what you hear.
Regina: It won't matter. When I'm done, they'll be singing my praises over her smoldering, villainous remains.

Regina: They only see the evil queen, which they made me.

Henry: But what about everyone else?
Regina: They die.
(Way to sugar-coat it, evil queen.)

Guard: How dare you address a knight of the Queen's guard thusly.

Emma: Tamara has a list of people who live here. What their fairy tale names are.

Emma: She lied.
Mary Margaret: But your super power has been known to be unreliable, Emma. Especially when you're emotional.

Regina: Morning already?
Snow: We have one every day.

Snow: Regina wants to hurt people. I think she's in constant pain and is looking to figure out whom to blame for it. We lived in the same household, and still she could never see that I was on her side. She's wanted revenge more than she wanted love, and can't imagine living that way.

Regina: You don't think it's too late for her.
Snow: Oh, I don't think it's ever too late for anyone.

Snow: I never said it was her.
Regina: I read between the lines.

[Regina tries to summon a magic fire ball, but to no avail.]
Greg: Yea, sorry. That's not going to work. Not anymore.

Henry: You know, I believe you - about Tamara.
Emma: You should. I'm right.

David: You know, when we get back Leroy, we're going to need your help restoring the palace.
Mary Margaret: It's in pretty bad shape.
Leroy: Cosmetic or a total tear down?
Mary Margaret: Burn it down.

Leroy: Nobody steals from a dwarf.

Regina: Why didn't you come when I called you?
Rumpel: I'm sorry, dearie. Do I know you? I already have a maid. Promising girl, actually.

Regina: They'll never love me.
Rumpel: So sad, and yet, so true.

Regina: The Queen is dead. Long live the Evil Queen.

Regina: So, little bitty Owen does grownup magic of his own now?
Greg: It's not magic. Actually this is something much, much better. Science.

Tamara: Which one was she?
Greg: She was the Queen. The Evil Queen.
Regina: Yes, I was the Queen.
Greg: But now. Here. You're nothing.

Greg: Bag her.

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