Saturday, March 3, 2012

Grimm: Last Grimm Standing

I think this is my favorite episode so far. Nick and Monroe's friendship has been growing more over the last episodes, and this week Nick was willing to fight in Monroe's place to save his life. Go Nick! Monroe's done plenty for you, it's about time you stepped up for him.

The show is still quite gruesome, as it begins with the brutal murder of an older couple. The Wesen who killed them is dragged away by other Wesen on horseback. He has been forced to fight in what is known in the Wesen community as "The Lowen Games," and he escaped from the "fold." Having tasted the blood of fighting, he can't help himself from killing more. Wesen scum are forced to fight in a ring for the entertainment of other Wesen. It's a modern-day  gladiators, or fight club. This wasn't Wesen acting uniquely Wesen, this was Wesen doing what humans might actually do too.

We find out that Renard is involved in the games. He was giving Taymor, the man who ran the games, names of Wesen gang bangers and drug dealers to fight in the games. I want to know what is up with Renard. Is he a good Wesen or a bad Wesen? (Are you a good witch or a bad witch?) If he's good, I would assume he would somehow be able to help more on all these cases that involve Wesen, which is every case.  

Juliette finds a diamond ring in Nick's drawer, and it's their anniversary. Nick assures Julliette that he will be home in time for dinner to celebrate, but with everything that happens on the case, not least of all trying to save Monroe's life, he is late for dinner. This doesn't bode well for their relationship. Poor Julliette. Nick's relationship with Monroe is growing as his relationship with Juliette is starting to fall apart. Until he can tell Juliette that he's a Grimm, Monroe is the only person he can confide in about about it.

In the end, Monroe is caught after trying to help Nick investigate the games, and he is taken to the ring to fight. He's not doing well when Nick finally comes. Nick offers to fight in Monroe's place. Nick and Monroe fight side by side until the police come and break up the fight. It was great watching the two look out for each other, and Nick really stepped up at the end.

Taymor escapes before he can get caught by the police, and Renard, who was angry with him because he used more Wesens than just the names he gave him, sends a priest out to teach him a lesson. This isn't any old priest this was a Wesen who can, and did, get vicious. So, we know Renard will get revenge on those who cross him (no pun intended).

As I said before, I really liked this episode and I hope the show continues with more like this one.

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