Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stage Review: The Woman in Black

This is the third time I have seen the stage version of The Woman in Black. This was a small production in a small theatre produced by a small theatre company, and it was just as good as the productions I saw at the Utah Shakespeare Festival and in London. 

Christopher Sherwood Davis was excellent as Kipps, and his performance was riveting. I am not saying that just because he is my nephew. His acting skills are stellar, and during the production I forgot he was my nephew. I was lost in the story, and in his performance.That's good acting.

Patrick Kintz's performance was also wonderful. He had the difficult job of playing many characters and had to use a different British accents for each character. He was able to perform the difficult task with ease.

The set was sparse and very effective. The sound effects rounded out the experience and assisted in the suspense. It's wonderful what our own imaginations can do.

The productions had plenty of chills and thrills. The specter of the woman in black appeared from different areas on the stage, and the play built the suspense well of when and where she would appear. There was one moment in the production when the chills were heightened to the point where you felt the horror that the character was feeling. It was so well staged and performed.

The Woman in Black is playing at The Echo Theatre in Provo, and I would encourage everyone who is within driving distance to see it. It is a night well spent.

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