Enter Will Chase. And another broadway actor is added to Smash.
Ivy is finally wondering if she got the part because she slept with the director. Listen Ivy, the best way to not have to wonder that, is not sleep with the director. What a novel idea.
Derek asks Karen to meet him at a restaurant. He tells her that a lot can happen in five years before the show makes it to Broadway. Yes, a totally different girl could come along who is better than Ivy, and yes, even better than Karen. Does Derek really want Karen to have the part of Marilyn, or is she just a young vulnerable wanna-be actress he hasn't been able to seduce yet with his good looks and London accent?
The production team is trying to cast the men in Marilyn's life: Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, and JFK. Derek and Eileen go to see Michael Swift (Will Chase) at a show, after being told he may work for Joe. The thing about New York, is there are so many places you can go to hear people sing, so there are many excuses for musical numbers. This one is a cover of "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. I'm not much of a fan of that song. I think the lyrics are ridiculous. It's like saying I will give you the moon. Really? Let me know when that happens, and I'll buy it. Julia isn't excited about casting Michael as Joe D because she has a "past" with him that no one knows about. Michael is a little reticent to take the part, because he knows what the "past" is.
Derek and Eileen run into Jerry again, and again he goads her into throwing a drink in his face. Will Jerry learn? Tune into the next scene with Eileen and Jerry to find out. Eileen is trying to get money for the show by hocking her jewelry, and by trying to get backers without Jerry, but no one wants to back a show without Jerry. This proves it people, sexism is alive and well in New York City.
Ellis's friends think that he should be paid for giving Tom and Julia the idea about "Marilyn, the Musical." So, he starts thinking. Ellis and "thinking" are not a good combination. He steals Karen's notebook. Ooh, this war! Don't ever steal a writer's notebook. I want to know what he saw in the notebook that was so interesting he didn't even tell his girlfriend what it was. Now, as much as I don't like Ellis, I agree that he should get some credit for giving them the idea. I may change my mind if he gets a whole lot sleazier, but right now I say, "Give the guy some credit and maybe he'll be a bit nicer."
Julia and Michael run into each other at Eileen's office. They talk and they're both a little uncomfortable. And the most uncomfortable line is Michael's when he says, "You smell good." I like Julia at this point in the show, I like Julia's husband and I like Micheal's wife, so I hope the show doesn't go where it predictably could go. Surprise us Smash and don't go there.
Karen goes home to Iowa for a friend's baby shower. Karen's friends are just so enthusiastic. I can just hear the director's direction to these actresses. ("Girls, you haven't seen Karen in ages, and you are soooo excited to see her and to hear her sing. Give me excitement.") They talk Karen into singing karaoke. It's so funny that she sings "Redneck Woman." Do all New Yorkers think all non-New Yorkers are hicks from the sticks? She's from Iowa, not Arkansas. And, how many of those New Yorkers are originally from the sticks themselves? I'm not that sold on Katharine McPhee being Megan Hilty's "competition" for the part of Marilyn. Maybe for another role, but not Marilyn. Yes, she has a great voice, and I don't mind her acting too much, but she doesn't have a presence like Megan. I'm not bought on the fact that Derek and Julia might pick her over Ivy. Just saying.
Tom is not happy when he finds out that Ivy and Derek are sleeping together, and Julia tells Tom that things like that happen in the theatre. Tom thinks that Derek is taking advantage of Ivy. Julia says maybe Ivy is taking advantage of Derek. It's sad how neither of them think they might be in love, they just suspect one of them having an agenda. Because people just sleep together at the drop of a hat these days, and love doesn't have anything to do with it. (I'll get off my soapbox now.)
Julia finally tells Tom that she had a show crush on Michael many years ago, and one day they bumped into each other when they were both alone in the city. They kissed, and then they had an affair that lasted for quite a while. Now it's been over for a while, and she asks Tom to help her to not go back there and to not tell anyone. Of course Ellis overhears. What's he going to do with this information? Also, Tom says that his history with Derek is "terrible." I wonder what that story is.
Okay, let's get to the only original song this week: "Mr. And Mrs. Smith." It's a pretty little song, but a bit of a yawner for me. I like the upbeat songs better. However, I know that not all songs in a musical should be upbeat. You need to have a good balance of upbeat and ballads. At least it didn't have a lyric that said, "I'll give you the moon."
Julia finally tells Tom that she had a show crush on Michael many years ago, and one day they bumped into each other when they were both alone in the city. They kissed, and then they had an affair that lasted for quite a while. Now it's been over for a while, and she asks Tom to help her to not go back there and to not tell anyone. Of course Ellis overhears. What's he going to do with this information? Also, Tom says that his history with Derek is "terrible." I wonder what that story is.
Okay, let's get to the only original song this week: "Mr. And Mrs. Smith." It's a pretty little song, but a bit of a yawner for me. I like the upbeat songs better. However, I know that not all songs in a musical should be upbeat. You need to have a good balance of upbeat and ballads. At least it didn't have a lyric that said, "I'll give you the moon."
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