Friday, May 3, 2013

Grimm: Volcanalis

The Demon came home, and he declared that the air was not clear. "I smell the flesh of man."

"Volcanalis" had nothing in common with the fairy tale that contains the quote shown at the beginning of the episode. I'm not sure what the quote has to do with the fire demon in this Grimm story at all. In fact the quote is similar to what the giant says in Jack and the Beanstalk, "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman."

Oh well, let's get to the episode.


I love how the entire precinct helps Hank out to start his vacation. I also loved seeing Renard wave goodbye to him. It was such a laid-back gesture that I don't remember ever seeing with Renard. But sending Hank off on vacation means no more Hank in the episode. Aw. I'll miss him.

I would think that if Juliette were remembering Nick that he would be talking directly to her, as would have happened at the time. She wouldn't see him as if he were talking to someone in another room. However, I did like watching him walk through himself (I never thought I would ever write that phrase, "walking through himself"). But, then she goes all crazy again. You may be tired of me saying it, but I'm tired of this plot line. Please resolve soon!

Adalind didn't look like someone who felt sick enough to throw up. If that's all her morning sickness is, I'm sure it won't be too difficult. And, why didn't she flush the toilet? Just sayin'.

I turned on the subtitles to see what Frau Peck had said when she told Adalind who she's taking her to see, and this was the word that came up on the screen: Gebirgeleutewortfuhrein. I couldn't find the word on the internet, so I broke it down. Gebirge is a group of mountains in Austria. Leute is a German word for "people." Wort is "word." Fuhr is a form of the verb "fahren," which means to travel. And ein is the article "a" or "an." So, I'm taking a wild guess that Frau Peck is telling her they're going to see someone who wants to have a word with her in the Gebirge mountains and they have to travel to get there. *wink* Actually, they're going to see the Queen of the Schwarzwald Romas. Why didn't she say that in the first place?

The Schwarzwald is the Black Forest in Germany. So, what is the Queen of the Romanians of the Black Forest doing in Austria? Or, did they actually drive from Austria to the Black Forest in Germany? Hmm.

I liked how Frau Peck says that in order for Adalind to learn the true value of motherhood is to find out how much her unborn child is worth. That's a different way of looking at the "value of motherhood."

Juliette's initial response to Nick when he comes to the hospital to see her is funny. She doesn't know at first that it's really him. She thinks that he's just another hallucination. She has to touch him to realize that he's not a part of her imagination (or her onslaught of new memories). Her first clue should have been that he was actually talking directly to her. *wink*

It's sad when Juliette tells Nick she can't see him anymore. Especially since he doesn't know that she's talking about seeing "hallucinations" of him all over the place. Poor Nick. He's been so patient, and that's what he gets from her.

Bud's hanging out with Monroe and Nick now at Monroe's house.

I'm so glad that Juliette has someone she can turn to, to tell everything that's happening. And that Pilar gives her good advice that will help her deal with it and get pass the multiple Nicks everywhere. I wonder what Pilar gave her to drink.

So, I guess there are Romanian Gypsies in the mountains of Austria, eh?

As much as I don't like Adalind, I definitely felt sorry for her when the "Queen of the Schwarzwald Romas" was getting the "proof" she needed that the father of Adalind's child was one of the Royal Family. Especially since her sons were helping her. How humiliating and painful.

Way to go Wu, tackling the suspect.

Talk about blue blood.

Adalind wants to trade her baby for her Hexenbiest powers back.

I guess Renard is totally over Juliette.

I liked how Juliette relives the memory with Nick. I also like how the memory is all in black and white except for the green blouse she is wearing in the present. Now we're getting somewhere!

I like Juliette so much better when she remembers (and is in love with) Nick.

Love Wu.

Renard finally gets a look at one of the Grimm's books. Nick really is trusting him.

Volcanalis caused the eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompeii.

I love that when Volcanalis comes, Monroe starts to freak out and he "woges." And then he tells himself to "get a grip."

That eye is freaky.

It's nice that Juliette is finally feeling peace. And I finally feel peace too. And relief. *smile*


Renard: And, back to work.
Everyone: Ah.

Juliette: You're everywhere.

Bud: Hey, we've all been there. Well, maybe not exactly having been forgotten like you've been forgotten.

Bud: I'm just kind of surprised that a Grimm can hurt like that. But, you know, Nick - he's a sensitive Grimm.

Monroe: You got something?
Nick: Dead body.
Monroe: That'll take your mind off her.
Bud: It takes my mind off -- off her.

Pilar: You must enter your past to fix your present. If you don't, you will have no future.

Sergeant Wu: Looks like somebody had a bad hair day.

Stefania: Good news. She didn't lie. Now we don't have to kill her.

Nick: He's Wesen.
Renard: Who isn't these days?

Markus: When the earth cries, that's when he wakes.

Nick: So, we doing this one off the books.
Renard: Yea, might have to. You good with that?
Nick: Let's just say I've learned how to be flexible.
Renard: As have I.

Nick: Where should we put this?
Juliette: In the trash.
Nick: This... this is my Elvis lamp. I got it in Mexico.
Juliette: I see that, and that doesn't make it any more valuable.

Monroe: If we're gonna be spending this much time here, you should really invest in a decent sound system and an espresso machine.

Renard: Do you have a lot of these books, by the way?
Nick: A few.

Markus: I'm not afraid of dying.
Nick: I know you're not, Markus. So, what's it going to take?
Markus: What do you mean?
Nick: To make hell freeze over.

Monroe: Maybe we should have brought, like, a priest, or a Rabbi or something, you know. Just to be on the safe side.

Nick: Let's go.
Monroe: Took the words right out of my mouth.

Monroe: Okay, so what do we do with the rocks?
Markus: Put them in the middle of the room. He'll go for those first.
Monroe: What will he go for second?
Renard: Us.

Monroe: I wonder how long before he'll... I mean, maybe he won't even... Is it getting hot in here? [earth starts to shake] What the hell? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say, "hell."

Renard: Think we should read him his rights?
Nick: Yea. Last rites.

Monroe: Keeping Portland weird.

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