First of all, I have to say that I'm with Rachel. I never really got Michael Jackson. I have never been a big fan, even though I do like some of his songs. So, I wasn't as excited as a lot of people that Glee was doing a Michael Jackson tribute episode. But then I wasn't too excited about their Britney Spears tribute episode or Madonna, or Lady Gaga. I like some of the songs, but doing a whole episode highlighting their music, *yawn.*
So, once again, Kurt is getting bullied. But this time it's not because he's gay, but because he's dating the boy the bully likes. However, Blaine is seriously injured instead of Kurt. I am getting a little tired (okay, a lot tired) of every episode being about bullying.
I also wish that they would use Damian McGinty. It's sad to me that we just see glimpses of him. He's just so cute and likable, and he has a beautiful voice. I wonder if he's thinking, "Okay, I won the Glee Project, but what did I win?"
There were, however some highlights for me:
It was great that Artie got the chance to dance, especially with Mike. I feel bad that Kevin McHale's character is in the wheelchair because he's a great dancer and he can only show that off in dream sequences, which they don't have very often.
I like it when Mercedes is given the chance to show off her great voice, and Mercedes and Sam's duet of "Human Nature" was a big highlight. I'm glad Mercedes is getting more air time, and Sam ain't bad to listen to either (I apologize to all grammar geeks out there, but there are times when no other word cuts it but "ain't").
I really didn’t understand why Santana was wearing that particular outfit during her duel/duet, “Smooth Criminal,” with Sebastian, but the wonderful cello performances by 2Cellos was the best part of the whole episode for me. Being a cellist myself I go crazy for music that highlights the cello. I am so glad I watched the show if just for that. Get a load of their actual music video of the song.
Black or White really was a fun number. I enjoyed the energy. That is one thing I can say about most of Michael's songs, they certainly have energy. I especially loved the morphing of the characters at the end of the song.
Now, if they had only performed my favorite Michael Jackson song, "The Way You Make Me Feel," I could have forgiven the parts of the episode I didn't really care for.
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