Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Glee: On My Way

There was so much in this episode. I didn't know whether to be shocked, to cry, to shout out with glee, or just all three.

The common theme of bullying was prominant in this episode, but this time the bullying led to an attempted suicice. The attempted suicide led to the bullying of another bully, who had a change of heart and was apologetic.

The attempted suicide also led Mr. Shue to advise his students to have something to look forward to, which led Rachel and Finn to decide not to wait to get married, which led their parents to be concerned, and also led to a shocking ending.

Oh, and New Directions won regionals and Sue announced she was pregnant.


And Glee won't be back until April, so we won't know the outcome of the cliffhanger until then.

Suicide is a tough subject to take on, and if this episode helps someone contemplating suicide, by thinking of something to look forward to, then God bless Glee.

There were some good songs inbetween all of the drama, of course. My favorites were "Stand" (I love acapella) and "Here's to Us."

I like it when the arrangements of the songs aren't straight covers. Afterall, this is about a glee club, not solo artists.


They had such fun choreography at regionals, especially The Warblers. I wish the camera would stay still so we could actually enjoy the hard work of the performers and choreographer.

How did a bunch of high school kids get such nice wedding outfits in such a short time?

I loved seeing Rachel's Dad's excitement at seeing her sing. Although it did look like they had never seen her perform before, but you would think they have been to every one of her performances.

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