Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Casting News for Les Miserables, the Movie Musical

There were rumors going around that Taylor Swift was cast as Eponine in the movie version of Les Miserables, the musical. There were also many people upset about that rumor. Scratch that, there were people downright angry. I thought, don't judge until you see it.

However, that's all it turned out to be - a rumor. It's been announced that the part of Eponine will be played by Samantha Barks. She has played Eponine in London, and played her in the 25th anniversary concert. 

It's a great choice. She's good. Take a listen.

I'm so glad they are casting stage actors. It will make a big difference.

And if they do cast a country singer in one of the roles, I won't judge until I see it.

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