Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman

I really don't have much to say about Snow White and the Huntsman. There were some things about I liked, but at the end of the movie I left the theater thinking, meh.

It felt to me that Charlize Theron played the wicked Queen in slow motion. Her movements were slow and her lines were slow. There didn't really feel like any urgency in her actions or motivation. I don't know if she felt like being evil meant making sure you spoke slowly enough so everyone understood your evil intent. Weird. All in all I didn't like her performance. However, she really is beautiful (definitely fairer than Kristen Stewart).

Kristen Stewart was all right. She still acted the same as she does as Bella from Twilight, a little reticent in everything she does. Except at least in this film she did do something. She fought for her rightful place and didn't just let the man fight for her.

For me, I felt the movie really started when we met the eight dwarfs. Yes, eight. They brought humor and warmth into the film, which was sorely lacking prior to their appearance.

Needless to say, my favorite character in the film was the Huntsman. I have liked Chris Hemsworth ever since I saw Thor, and was so glad to see him repeat that role in The Avengers (which I saw again on Monday- loved it just as much the second time). He was great as the Huntsman, and I would consider seeing Snow White and the Huntsman again just for him (and the dwarfs).

I was a bit disappointed in true love's kiss. I wanted something bigger to happen after it. It was quite anti-climactic. It's like the writers/director felt they had to put it in because it's in the story. I was happy with the twist, but come on, give me some romance. It is a fairy tale after all.

Visually, the movie is very stunning. Very different from Mirror, Mirror. There were some very cool CGI moments.

I guess I do have more to say about the film than I previously thought. I'll let you know if I like it better on the second viewing. Chris Hemsworth is worth a second look. *wink*

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