Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ricky Gervais: Critics are Bullies

I read the following article today about Ricky Gervais.

I like Ricky sometimes, but it seems that he has the same attitude many comedians have, "I'm a comedian, so I can say anything I want regardless, even if it's offensive, but don't ridicule what I say because I'll be offended." It's so true when he says that comedy is subjective, and so is offense. All artists hope that everyone will like the art they present to the public, but when someone doesn't, it doesn't make them a "bully," it makes them an honest critic.

I like this quote from Stephen Sondheim: “If you believe the good reviews, you also have to believe the bad reviews. So I don’t read any reviews.”


  1. The more I read about Ricky Gervais, the less I like him. We all know people who love to dole out criticism, but act like they're 3 years-old when someone criticizes them. Shesh!
