Sunday, April 8, 2012

Movie Review: Mirror Mirror

I really wanted to like Mirror Mirror. This is the kind of movie I usually really like, a fairy tale adaptation that doesn't take itself too seriously. However, there was something a bit off about the script and the acting. I thought that it was going to be very funny, but most of the jokes just seemed to fall flat.

I really liked the look of the film. It's so visually stunning, and I liked the storybook world that was created for the movie. Everything had to be large and very grand, so that Julia Robert's gowns didn't seem out of place. Speaking of her gowns, I loved them. Actually, I loved most of the costumes. I especially loved Julia Roberts wedding gown. I want to borrow that for Halloween this year.

Unfortunately, Julia Roberts character just didn't work for me. In every movie she's in she always plays "Julia Roberts." Her characters don't usually vary much from that same personality. In this movie she was "Julia Roberts" saying funny lines, and acting a little evil. I also didn't really understand the woman in the mirror. She looked like she should be a nicer version of the Queen, but she did the evil magic? And the woman in the mirror was so lethargic, I wanted to shake some emotion out of her.

I liked the dwarfs and I especially liked Armie Hammer as the Prince. Just like the evil Queen, I had a hard time concentrating when Prince Alcott stood there shirtless. *swoon* Lily Collins was a very pretty Snow White and she fit the role of Snow White very well. At times she looked like a young Audrey Hepburn. Not a bad person to be compared to.

Of course they had to turn the story around and Snow White saves the Prince instead of him saving her. I didn't mind that too much, but eventually men will start complaining that they are always the "damsel in distress." It would be nice to have a little happy medium in this regard.

To sum up, I was extremely underwhelmed by the movie, which was very disappointing because I was looking forward to it.

I hope that Snow White and the Huntsman will be better. Although I'm not sure how I feel about Kristen Stewart playing Snow White in that film. She's another actress who always seems to play herself.


  1. I liked this movie...didn't love it but liked it, for the visuals if nothing else. :)

    1. I think I'm going to give it a second viewing, I was just a little disappointed at what it wasn't, I should see it for what it is. Maybe I'll like it a bit more. And I don't mind looking at Armie Hammer. *wink*
