Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Time Lord in Time Square

According to Blogtor Who, where I go for news of all thing Doctor Who, episode five is currently being filmed in New York. They have been filming in East Manhattan and Central Prak, as well as Time Square.

It is the farewell episode for Amy and Rory, and it involves the Weeping Angels.

The above picture was actually filmed in Cardiff, but I believe there will be weeping angels in New York. So, the weeping angels have come across the pond (or, the Pond has come across the weeping angels. Oh, I'm so clever. *wink*).

Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill filming in Central Park

The more I read about the upcoming season, the more excited I get for the Fall.


  1. I've started watching the rebooted Doctor Who! :D I've watched the entire Christopher Eccleston season, and am on the third episode with David Tennant... so far, I miss Chris, but I'm loving the franchise! Thanks for all of your Doctor Who posts -- especially that spoof video of John Barrowman singing (Torchwood is next on my list) -- I'm so excited to finally be getting in the loop!

    1. I am so excited you've started watching it. I promise you will like David Tennant too. But I wish Chris had done more than one season. Ah, what joy you have in store!
