Thursday, April 5, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Red-Handed

At last we are given Red's back story, and what a tale it is. I have to say that I didn't expect the twist in this one.

This episode should have been called "Peter and the Wolf."

Emma to David: I'm pretty good at spotting a liar, and honestly, liars have better material.

Why does Emma say so many times that she can tell when a person is lying? Just so that we can see how often she is wrong about that? Although, in this case she was right. David was not lying.

A wolf howls before we cut to Ruby in Granny's diner. What a great moment.

Granny: You know red repels wolves.

Ruby to Granny: You just want me to act like you until I turn into you.

Ruby: You dress like Norman Bates when he dresses like Norman Bates's mother. Ruby

I love that August tries to hide laughing at that line.

Ruby: I should be out there having adventures with lemurs.

Emma: Buses out of town don't really happen. 

Don't they find it strange that there are no buses out of town? 

Red: When there's something I want, I'm good at tracking it down.

Snow: So your Granny's kind of intense.

It's funny that there's a reference to Pongo from 101 Dalmations. And poor Pongo has been separated from his owner, Roger, in Storybrooke, and he lives with Archie.

Red: Do you think I can save him?
Snow: I think you can save everyone.

When Ruby goes to pick up food at the diner, she doesn't order anything for Henry. Poor Henry, he wanted a hot dog and a cookie.

Why is Peter carrying a chain?

Henry: She doesn't remember how cool she is, what she's capable of. 

If Henry knows that Red was a wolf, why would he say something like that? She's a wolf, she's capable of killing people. 

Does Red not turn into a wolf in Storybrooke because that's magic, and there's no magic in Storybrooke?

Emma: There's a lot of Maine to search, Regina.

It's a great twist to make Red the wolf. So, when Granny and Red lock up the cottage, they're not locking the wolf out, they're locking the wolf in. However, if they lock the wolf in, and if Red wears her red cloak to bed, how did she get out to kill all of the men who were hunting the wolf?

Poor Peter. They kill off a lot of nice looking men in this show. Dang it.

Ruby: I don't know what I am.

Granny: We're approaching from downwind so we have a chance.

Good thing Granny explains that so that people like me won't be asking the question of why the wolf doesn't smell them coming. *wink*

After working with Emma, Ruby doesn't dress like a "drag queen during Fleet Week" anymore - not so much like a slut. And she tones down the makeup, to a more natural look. She looks so pretty.
Ruby to Granny: I said that you wanted me to turn into you, but what I meant was I don't know how to be you. You're a tough act to follow.

Ruby: I sort of found someone in myself that was more than I expected.

Ruby: Emma was my lemur.

Why are David and Mary Margaret talking in the pet shelter? Is that where David works? If not, it's just so random. 

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