Monday, July 8, 2013

Favorite Doctor Who Episodes: New Earth

Rose begins her travels with the new Doctor. And what more appropriate place for Rose to go with the new Doctor, but New Earth? David Tennant shows in this episode why he was such a great choice to play the Doctor. He shows the excitement of what it is to be a Time Lord and travel through time and space.

I love that this episode has a tie-in to the second episode of season one, "The End of the World." We meet Cassandra again. Surprising, yes, I know, after what happened to her in "The End of the World." We see her little mechanical spiders again. In this episode she has a new companion to moisturize her, Chip. We also get to see the Face of Boe again. It's so much more significant to see him when you find out the truth of the Face of Boe in a future episode. But I won't spoil that for you here.

The scene where the Doctor and Rose are in separate elevators getting "disinfected" is so funny. The Doctor is just taking it in stride, and Rose is freaking out. Great bit.

The best part of this episode is when Cassandra "inhabits" Rose and Doctor's bodies. When she is moving back and forth from Rose to Doctor the acting is so great. I especially love when she goes into the Doctor's body the first time.

This episode reminds me of how much I miss the Russell Davies era of Doctor Who. I like the stand-alone episodes where the Doctor takes his companion to a new world, in another time, to see the universe. Stephen Moffat has had some good stand-alone episodes, and I don't mind having a large story arc throughout the season, but I don't like to have some kind of mystery that you have to figure out through the season. I'd rather just have great episodes that don't keep bringing up more and more questions. The only question from this episode is: what is the Face of Boe's secret? Hmm.


Rose: So, where are we going?
Doctor: Further than we've ever gone before.

Rose: I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet. Different sky.

Rose: Can I just say, traveling with you... I love it.
Doctor: Me too.

Doctor: So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted.
Rose: That was our first date.
Doctor: We had chips.

Doctor: It's New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original. So, that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York.

Rose: You're so different.
Doctor: New new Doctor.

Cassandra: Rose Tyler! I knew it! That dirty blonde assassin.

Cassandra: At last I can be revenged on that little ---
[cut to Rose and the Doctor]
Rose: A bit rich, coming from you.
Doctor: I can't help it. I don't like hospitals. They give me the creeps.

Doctor: No shop. I like the little shop.

Doctor: That's where I'd put the shop - right over there.

Doctor [from the elevator]: Watch out for the disinfectant.
Rose [from outside the elevator]: Watch out for what?
Doctor: The disinfectant!
Rose: The what!
Doctor: The disin... Oh, you'll find out.

Rose: Um, ward 26. Thanks.

Doctor: Nice place. No shop downstairs. I'd have a shop. Not a big one, just a shop. So people can... shop.
Sister Jatt: The hospital is a place of healing.
Doctor: Well, a shop does some people a world of good. Not me. Other people.

Doctor: Petrified regression. He's turning to stone. There won't be a cure for a thousand years. He might be up and about, but only as a statue.

Novice Hame: He's thousands of years old, some say millions, although that's impossible.
Doctor: Oh, I don't know. I like impossible.

Rose: Don't you come anywhere near me, Cassandra.
Cassandra: What do you think I'm going to do, flap you do death?
Rose: Yea, but what about Gollum?

Cassandra: It's goodbye trampoline and hello blondie!

Rose/Cassandra: I'm a chav!*

Rose/Cassandra: Look at me! From class to brass.

Rose/Cassandra: It's like living inside a bouncy castle.

Rose/Cassandra: That man, he's the Doctor. The same Doctor with a new face. The hypocrite! I must get the name of his surgeon.

Rose/Cassandra: How does she speak?
Chip: Old earth cockney.
Rose (on her cell to the Doctor): Wotcha.
Doctor: Where've you been? How long does it take to get to ward 26?
Rose: I'm on my way, guv'nor. I shall proceed up the apples and pears.

Duke of Manhattan (to the Doctor): Come in! Don't be shy.
Fran Clovis: Any friendship expressed by the Duke of Manhattan does not constitute a form of legal contract.

Doctor: How on Earth did you cure him?
Matron Casp: How on New Earth, you might say.

Rose/Cassandra: I can't Adam and Eve it.
Doctor: What's... what's with the new voice.
Rose/Cassandra: Oh, I don't know. Just larking about. New Earth. New me.
Doctor: Well, I can talk. New new Doctor.

Doctor: Yea. Still got it.

Doctor: Intensive care. Certainly looks intensive.

Doctor: Just let Rose go, Cassandra.
Rose/Cassandra: I will. As soon as I find someone younger and less common.

Rose/Cassandra: You're not exactly nuns with guns. You're not even armed.
Matron Casp: Who needs arms when we have claws.

Doctor/Cassandra: Oh my, this is... different.
Rose: Cassandra?
Doctor/Cassandra: Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum. So many parts. And hardly used. Oh! Ah! And two hearts! Oh, baby, I'm beating out a samba.

Doctor (to Matron Casp): Go and play with a ball of string.

Rose/Cassandra: Oh, chav-tastic again.

Doctor/Cassandra: No matter how difficult the situation, there is no need to shout.

Rose/Cassandra: They're so alone. They keep reaching out, just to hold us. All their lives, and they've never been touched.

Rose/Cassandra: The lifts aren't working.
Doctor: Not moving. Different thing.

Doctor (to Rose/Cassandra): If you're so desperate to stay alive, why don't you live a little?

Rose/Cassandra: You're completely mad. I can see why she likes you.

Doctor: I'm cooking up a cocktail. I know a bit about medicine myself.

Rose/Cassandra: What about you?
Doctor: I've got an appointment. The Doctor is in.

Doctor: Pass it on!

Rose/Cassandra: Did you kill them? All of them?
Doctor: No. That's your way of doing things. I'm the Doctor, and I cured them.

Doctor: Like will out! Hah!

Doctor: You were supposed to be dying.
Face of Boe: There are better things to do today. Dying can wait.

Doctor: That is enigmatic. That is... that is text-book enigmatic.

Rose: Hello.
Doctor: Hello. Welcome back.

Chip/Cassandra: I'm a walking doodle.

*A working-class youth, especially one associated with aggression, poor education, and a perceived "common" taste in clothing and lifestyle.

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