Monday, January 16, 2012

Grimm: Game Ogre

A gavel down a throat. A hand chopped off. A woman's tongue cut out and laid on a scale. A boiling pot of water in a man's face.

Friday's episode of Grimm proves that the series is certainly living up to its name.

This episode was based on Jack and the Beanstalk.

An escaped convict, Oleg Stark, is out for revenge against the people who put him in prison. And one of the men he's after is Hank, Nick's partner. Oleg also happens to be an Ogre (not a giant) whose genetic makeup has given him a high tolerance for pain. 

Oleg attacks Nick to try to get Hank out into the open, and when Hank decides to plan a trap with himself as bait, Nick has to rely on Monroe to save Hank. 

Next to Rick Castle and Kate Beckett on Castle, Nick and Monroe are my favorite mismatched criminal-solving pair.

The scene when Nick and Hank take the watch to Monroe's house was so good - with Nick and Monroe trying to hide the fact that they know each other from Hank. It shows how well Grimm perfectly balances humor and drama.

When poor Nick was being beat up by Oleg Stark, it reminded me that this show is based in reality. Even though Nick is a descendant of  "Grimms," he has no special abilities to help him fight the "creatures;" he is still just a mortal man.

I'm glad they have finally given Bitsie Tulloch a chance to shine as Juliette. I haven't really given her much thought as a character until now. It was heartbreaking to see her go back into their house after Nick's attack and see her pick up the picture of the two of them amid all that broken glass.

Another great scene is when Monroe goes into Nick's trailer and sees all of the tools of the trade of a Grimm. His line is classic, "Dad, I swear to God I'm doing the right thing."

I love that after all the times that Monroe has helped Nick solve crimes and save people's life, this time Monroe was the only one who could save Hank's life, and he did!

Quippy Quotes:
Monroe: I get it. Be cool. Wear pants.
Monroe: Gift. German word for poison. Which I found kind of weird around Christmas.

Side note: The book that Nick's aunt gave him reminds me of the Book of Shadows on Charmed.

What are your thoughts? Do you like Grimm? What did you think of this episode?

1 comment:

  1. I FINALLY got to watch this episode today. I'm not necessarily a fan of gruesome stuff, so I didn't love the brutality. I AM a fan of good storytelling and characters, so I loved that part of it. Monroe is definitely my favorite, and I'm glad he gets to be the hero, for once. He's come a long way from being accused of kidnapping :) I am also glad that we got to know Juliette a little more -- we spend so much time with Nick's professional life that we don't get to see him as a man with a personal life, a man who was really close to proposing before this all happened. I was worried he was going to break up with her after that fight in their house, but maybe he saw that she can protect herself when called on. Maybe she could be an asset to his particular brand of crime-fighting, should it ever come to that.
