Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Favorite Doctor Who Episodes: Rose

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, I will be blogging about my favorite Doctor Who episodes (I have not seen many of the classic Doctor Who episodes, so my list will only include episodes since its return in 2005). There are, of course, episodes I love more than others, but I had a hard time putting them in any order of preference. So, I've decided blog about my favorite episodes in order of their airing, starting with the premiere of the ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston.

Side note: If I end up blogging about more than 50, I'm sorry. Unless you love Doctor Who as much as I do, then I won't apologize to you, I'll just say, "Enjoy!"

"Rose" is one of my favorite episode mainly because this is the first Doctor Who episode I saw (except for some bits and pieces of the old Doctor Who on PBS when I was growing up). This is where I, along with Rose, met the ninth Doctor for the first time. Christopher Eccleston was my first Doctor, and because of that, I have to say that he's my favorite Doctor. I think David Tennant and Matt Smith are wonderful too; I have nothing bad to say about either of them as the Doctor. However, Christopher Eccleston will always be my Doctor. I love the moment when we first meet him, how he grabs Rose's hand right as she is about to be attacked by a dangerous, animated mannequin (or Auton), and tells her to "Run!" It's a great introduction to the Gallifreyen Time Lord.

However, before we meet the Doctor, we first meet Rose Tyler. She's a London girl with a mundane job at a department store, who lives with her mother in a small flat. She doesn't seem extraordinary in any way, but her life is about to change, drastically. I would say that Rose and Donna Noble are tied as my favorite companion. They are so different, yet there are so many things about each of them that I love. They are both very tenacious. They bring the Doctor "back to Earth" when he gets a bit too big for his britches. They aren't afraid to face danger to help the Doctor save people in danger, and even save the Doctor himself a few times.

I love how the danger in this episode is from an object that most of us have seen many, many times. And just like Rose, we don't expect to see one move. The writers take a common object, vilify it, and make you just a little freaked out the next time you see one for real. The moment the first mannequin moves his head is so creepy. And then it starts moving toward Rose. It's creepy in a very absurd kind of way. Just like Doctor Who should be. And then more and more mannequins begin to move toward her, until she is cornered. Then suddenly our hero is there, grabbing her hand and saying, "Run!"

It's great to see Rose walking around the streets of London, dazed after meeting the Doctor, with a plastic arm in her hand, wondering what to do next. And then, after a huge explosion on the roof of the department store, Rose runs past a blue Police Box. Our first glimpse of the new Tardis.

I love the comedy in the show. It doesn't take itself too seriously. There's a great scene when Rose is making tea in the kitchen, talking away, and behind her the Doctor is being choked by a disembodied, plastic arm. And Rose is totally oblivious. He tries to get her attention when she walks into the room, but she still yaks on and on. Great comedic moment.

One of the things I love about Christopher Eccleston's version of the Doctor, especially in this first episode, is that he has so much joy. It feels like he just enjoys life, even though danger follows him (or he follow danger). He finds joy discovering new things. He finds joy in saving people. He finds joy in traveling. You know that there is some sorrow deep down in him, but when he smiles, you just want to smile with him.

The first time the Doctor describes who he is to Rose, it is so eloquent and poetic. I love it. See the quote below (*) This is the way I like to think about the Doctor. Yes, he's an alien. Yes, he's a Time Lord. Yes, he can travel in time and space. Yes, he's from the North (*wink). Yes, he's the last of his kind. However, that first answer he gives to Rose when she asks who he is fits the Doctor to a 'T."

Mickey drives a yellow Bug. Cool people drive Bugs. Well, cool people and Mickey. *wink*

When the Doctor is in Rose's flat, and he looks in the mirror, the remark he makes makes it seem like he just recently regenerated, but he's already been a few places (and times) since the regeneration. Kennedy's assassination, the Titanic, the coast of Sumatra.

Okay, I've seen the inside of the Tardis many times, in its many regenerations, so I know that it's bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside, but I still love to see the wonder and absolute disbelief on Rose's face when she realizes that there is something strangely wonderful about this blue wooden box.

I love that the Doctor wants peace for the universe. He doesn't want to just kill the bad guy, and he does all he can to reason and negotiate with the alien trying to take over Earth. However, when that doesn't work, and the danger to the inhabitants of Earth (well, mainly London) becomes imminent, the Doctor's got to do what the Doctor's got to do, and so does his companion. Rose is the perfect companion. She doesn't break down in the face of danger. She acts.

The villainous alien is a bit ridiculous, and the special effects are not the highest quality, but it's not so much about what the villains look like, or the greatness of the special effects, or even the danger they're in. It's about the relationship between the Doctor and those around him, particularly his companion. It's about the wonder the companion feels in discovering new worlds, and going back in time to see historic places and people. That's what I love so much about the show - the characters. They make you care, and when you care about the characters, you are willing to go on a journey that can be scary, funny, ridiculous, dangerous, fun, and uniquely "Doctor Who."


Doctor: Run!

Rose: You pulled his arm off!
Doctor: Yep. Plastic.

Rose: Who are they then, students? Is this a student thing, or what?
Doctor: Why would they be students?
Rose: I don't know.
Doctor: Well, you said it. Why students?
Rose: 'Cause, to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they've gotta be students.
Doctor: That makes sense. Well done.
Rose: Thanks.
Doctor: They're not students.

Doctor: I'm going to go upstairs and blow it up, and I might die in the process, but don't worry about me. No. You go on. Go and have your lovely beans on toast.

Doctor: I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name?
Rose: Rose.
Doctor: Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!

Jackie (Rose's mother, on the phone): I know. It's on the telly. It's everywhere. She's lucky to be alive! Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old Bible. Walking in now you'd think I was her daughter.

Doctor: What are you doing here?
Rose: I live here.
Doctor: What do you do that for?
Rose: Because I do.

Doctor: I must have the wrong signal. You're not plastic are you? (knocks her head) No. Bonehead. Bye then.

Jackie: I'm in my dressing gown.
Doctor: Yes, you are.
Jackie: There's a strange man in my bedroom.
Doctor: Yes, there is.
Jackie: Well, anything could happen.
Doctor: (pause) No.

Doctor (looks in the mirror): Ah. Could have been worse. Look at the ears.

Doctor (throws the arm at Rose): 'Armless.
Rose: Do you think?

Rose: Hold on a minute. You can't just go swannin' off.
Doctor: Yes, I can. Here I am. This is me swannin' off. See ya!

Rose: Who are you?
Doctor: Told ya. The Doctor.
Rose: Yea, but, Doctor what?
Doctor: Just the Doctor.
Rose: The Doctor?
Doctor: Hello!
Rose: Is that supposed to be impressive?
Doctor: Sort of, yeah.

Rose: So, what you're saying is the entire world revolves around you.
Doctor: Sort of, yeah.
Rose: You're full of it!
Doctor: Sort of, yeah.

Rose: Really, though, Doctor. Tell me. Who are you?
*Doctor: Do you know like we were saying, about the earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid, the first time they tell you that the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it 'cause everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it... [takes Rose's hand] ...the turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. And the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour. And I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world. And, if we let go... [let's go of Rose's hand] That's who I am. Now forget me, Rose Tyler. Go home.

Rose: Hello. I've come to see Clive. We've been emailing.
Boy: Dad! One of your nutters!

Clive: The Doctor is a legend woven through history. When disaster comes, he's there. He brings a storm in his wake, and has one constant companion.
Rose: Who's that?
Clive: Death.

Rose: Open the gate! Use that tube thing. Come on!
Doctor: Sonic screwdriver.
Rose: Use it!

Rose: You can't hide inside a wooden box.

Doctor: The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door. Believe me, they've tried.

Doctor: Where do you want to start?
Rose: Um. The inside is bigger than the outside?
Doctor: Yes.
Rose: It's alien?
Doctor: Yep.
Rose: Are you alien?
Doctor: Yes. Is that all right?
Rose: Yea.

Rose: If you are an alien, how come you sound like you're from the north?
Doctor: Lots of planets have a north.

Doctor: Fantastic!

Doctor: I'm not here to kill it. I've got to give it a chance.

Doctor: Can we keep the domestics outside? Thank you.

Doctor: I am talking! This planet is just starting. These stupid people have only just learned how to walk, but they're capable of so much more.

Doctor: That's not true. I should know. I was there. I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save your world. I couldn't save any of them.

Mickey: There's nothing you can do.
Rose: I've got no A levels. No job. No future. But I'll tell you what I have got. Jericho Street Junior School under-sevens gymnastic team. I've got the bronze.

Doctor: Now we're in trouble.

Jackie (answers her mobile phone): Rose! Rose! Don't go out of the house. It's not safe.

Rose: You'd be dead if it wasn't for me.
Doctor: Yes, I would. Thank you.

Doctor: This box goes anywhere in the universe. Free of charge.
Mickey: Don't! He's an alien. He's a thing.
Doctor: He's not invited.

Doctor: What do you think? You could stay here. Fill your life with work and food and sleep. Or you could go, uh... anywhere.
Rose: Is it always this dangerous?
Doctor: Yea.

Doctor: By the way, did I mention that it also travels in time?

Rose (to Mickey): Thanks.
Mickey: Thanks for what?
Rose: Exactly.

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