Wednesday, March 13, 2013

King of the Nerds: Episode 8 Nerdy Quotes


I warned you in my last King of the Nerds post that I would be revealing who is the King of the Nerds! So, if you don't want to know, do not read any further. Well, you can read a bit further. I won't reveal the winner until the end of the post. So, you can enjoy most of the quotes.

The final nerd war was racing each other through "The Maze of Terror" riding the ultimate nerd machine, the "Nerd Mover." It's common name is a Segue. The first three to make it through the maze went on to the next challenge. The nerd who came in last was immediately eliminated.

The next challenge was the "Nerd Bowl" - the ultimate test in nerd knowledge. I love how everything is "ultimate." It sounds so epic. I guess it is when the prize is 100,000.00. The nerd bowl is like Jeopardy with questions specific to nerd culture: video games, fantasy, math and logic, memory, sci-fi, science, comic books, and gaming. The questions ranged from difficult to ludicrously difficult. The first two to reach five correct questions went on to the final nerd-off.

It's interesting how the nerd bowl starts with the nerds missing those first questions in their area of expertise. It's also interesting that when Danielle gets something right, she says it's because she's smart. When Celeste gets something right, Danielle says it's because Celeste is lucky. Can you tell I didn't want Danielle to win?

The final nerd-off determined the winner of King of the Nerds, and it was a nail-biter. Each eliminated nerd came back to vote for the nerd who they thought should win the crown and sit upon the Throne of Games. Dun dun dun.

It was great to see all of the nerds back together again. They were so... well... nerdy.

And the winner is... (you can find the answer at the bottom of the post)


Danielle (imitating Genevieve in front of her): I don't know why everyone's intimidated by me. It's not like I win every challenge that's presented to me.

Ivan: I'm in the final four. I am now "Ivan, the Dragon Lord." And he is going to bring down fire on this last leg of the competition.

Danielle: I don't see the point in celebrating being in the final four. It's like counting your chickens before they hatch. I'm not here to get final four. I'm here to win.

Ivan: Starlight, starbright, first star I see tonight. I wish to have my dream come true.

Ivan: This is like hunting the largest game in the Savannah. I've spent my whole life trying to track this one animal and now it's in my sights.

Genevieve: Danielle's in the habit of saying whatever's convenient to save Danielle's behind.

Celeste: The fact that she betrayed me was a blessing, because now I can go into the final just going for myself. And I will be King of the Nerds!

Curtis: It is the horn of dismissal.

Genevieve: The nerd war is going to be us segueing, is that the right word? through an awesome maze.

Ivan: Red leader, this is Gold leader. Gold leader, this is Red leader.

Celeste: What if I die in the Maze of Terror. What if I die? Game over.

Ivan: No more voting. No more politics. No more diplomacy. Whoever's last goes home.

Danielle: I would really love to win this because it's kind of like athleticish. I don't win athletic things very often, but when I do, it's on a Segue.

Genevieve: I love my Segue decorations. It's all comic book. Pow! That's me all right. Pow!

Ivan: This is not a very scary maze. Guys, there's nothing in it. I know that's the joke. I get it. But still.

Genevieve: I learned how to do a hedge maze from Nancy Drew. Always turn left, and that way you don't double-back on accident. That's a sound strategy, because Nancy Drew was nothing if not intrepid and successful.

Danielle: In the game I play, Orcs kill dragons all the time.

Genevieve: Danielle's ahead of me, but I'm one with the Nerd Mover.

Ivan: I'm not going to go home over a Segue race.

Danielle: I am first place. I'm a beast on a Segue is what I am.

Celeste (chanting): Celeste in final three. Celeste in final three.

Ivan: I didn't want to go down falling on a Segue.

Curtis: Ivan, though you have lost the chance to be crowned King of the Nerds, when the time comes to face the Zombie apocalypse, it will be in your bunker we will want to hide. Go back to the real world, Ivan, and prepare to triumph over the undead.
Ivan: You guys are always welcome there.

Genevieve: I'm really surprised there are three women in the final nerd bowl. I think it sends a great message to all the little girls out there that you can be a strong female nerd and succeed.

Ivan: When I call myself a nerd I do it in a word of acceptance. The whole point of doing this is to let our nerddom shine. To raise the banner so to speak, and say, "Hey, we are nerd, and we are proud," you know. And that's a beautiful thing.

Genevieve: You have a helmet imprint on your head.
Danielle: Well, mine was really tight, okay.
Genevieve: That's 'cause you have a big head.
Celeste: I know.

Danielle: I know a lot about video game history. See if we can't make 'em sweat a little.

Danielle: I'm not super interested in playing Pong.

Danielle: I think going first was a disadvantage.

Genevieve: It's stupid Marvels. I do not know Marvel as well as DC. They should ask more DC comic questions.

Danielle: It makes me feel not so bad getting my question wrong because I got her question right. Hulk #27.

Danielle: Mortal Combat should be in the Smithsonian. Sorry I got that one wrong, but Mortal Combat is a *bleep* game.

Danielle: I feel like Celeste is getting really lucky right now.

Celeste: The details of, like, Star Wars man are just, like (gestures over her head).

Danielle: I'm going to switch to math because I know I can do math.

Genevieve: 6/8 is 75%. So, half of 25% is 12.5%. So, add 75% to 12.5%, you get 87.5%.

Celeste: I'm in final two. I'm in final two.

Genevieve: Bye Danielle. I didn't want to be a poor winner, but then I was, like, so excited!

Danielle: Sorry I don't know the guy who created Pong. Ask me the what the release date of Halo 4 is. November 6, 2012.

Ivan: I think it's fitting that all the nerds come back and set judgment upon the two that are the last pick. Kings who are born into power normally fail, but it's the ones that are brought into power by their people who truly rule.

Joshua: All right, so you've got Genevieve and Celeste. Honestly, not the two I thought I'd see there. It should be me. It should be me.

Genevieve: This is me putting on my imaginary crown.

Danielle: I'm... I'm bitter. Like, I'm not going to be graceful. I just got kicked to the curb with everybody else.

Alana (trying to comfort a crying Danielle): Well, I really missed you.

Virgil: My task at hand is to pick someone to represent the nerd community. (sighs) It's really debatable.

Genevieve: I led Blextrophy. And you know what? The final two members are from Blextrophy, so that should say something.

Jon: Celeste started off extremely insecure. You know, I'm sure most nerds have experienced these feelings at some point. So, you know, that's definitely a nerdy quality right there.

Danielle: The questions I got wrong were stupid and obscure and don't prove my nerddom.

Danielle: I'm just so frustrated. Like, who would know who the creator of Pong is?
Virgil: Actually, I know who that is.

Hendrik: Most of us aren't under a whole lot of stress because, you know, we're free, so to speak. It's this two left who really have to sweat, so maybe they won't want to party, but the rest of us should feel the opportunity to have a good time.

Brandon: Tonight we celebrate!

Brandon: I would like to have a drink with Patrick Stewart and Neil deGrasse Tyson at the same time.

Alana: We're doing the lego version of the Millennium Falcon.

Alana: Seeing my fellow nerds is really exciting.

Alana: Ah! My people!

Brandon: We all know that our eyes have a retina, correct?

Brandon: It feels good to be back in Nerdvana. I've missed the Radio Shack lab.

Joshua: I am home. Amongst my peers. Where I belong.

Genevieve: I learned that Dr. Moo has the best prescription for sadness. I learned that Team Bat is awesome. And I learned that my Zombie apocalypse plan will probably fail, but I'm glad to know it.

Genevieve: I put my heart and soul into this game and it's time for me to take the title.

Celeste: I've struggled with self-confidence. And I've struggled with every nerd ever struggles with in their life, and that's finally accepting who they are, and representing their nerddom.

Celeste: As an individual, I finally came to a point where I said, "I'm okay to be who I am as a nerd."

Celeste: I feel good enough to be King of the Nerds.

Bobby: Nerds, behold the tablets of power.

Hendrik: It's gotta be Genevieve, because she worked for it.

Danielle: I don't want to vote for either of them because it should have been me. It should have been me. Because accumulatively speaking I did better than both of them.

Jon: The difference between the Celeste I knew at the start and the Celeste I've known for a couple of days at the end is very noticeable. So that's definitely a nerdy quality right there - not giving up, just bashing against something until it works.

Brandon: I'd like to say that it was a very difficult decision, um, until one candidate showed themselves to have poured their passion into their entire life. And I think that that is what exemplars nerd.

Ivan: As always, the choices are difficult. You both have so much to be proud of. I only wish there was two slots.

Moogega: I feel that Genevieve really earned the title. She does have a broad knowledge of a little bit of every aspect of the nerd culture, and I think that embodies the King of the Nerds.

Alana: Being the Princess of table-top gaming, I would like to welcome whichever one of you gets a higher score into royalty with me.

Alana: I have categories that I have put them either first or second in. Leadership, relatability, nerd-cred, and, um, role-model.

Alana: Celeste has grown much more as a person in this house, and I'm giving this title to someone I think will take this title places.

Celeste: Seriously. It all comes down to Virgil?

Genevieve: I may be down, but I'm not out yet. I mean, I've beaten incredible odds. Even if each nerd-off was just a coin flip, I've flipped heads three times in a row. Probability-wise, that's one in eight odds.

Virgil: I mean, I don't really know what makes a good ambassador of nerds, but I do know Genevieve is certainly the more traditional leader role. Hands down.

Virgil: I think in the terms of, like, classical nerddom, the way society defines the terms, Genevieve is more the quintessential nerd.

Virgil: She showed her metal time and time again. But Celeste's story about, like, overcoming insecurity and not being liked and things like that - that would really have spoken to me when I was younger.

Virgil: I guess that's the advantage of this competition. We're about to decide what we value.

Genevieve: My only piece of advice is consult a financial investment advisor.

Danielle: I am obviously upset it wasn't me, but I think that a lot of people are going to be very inspired by her.

Ivan: You go out there in the world, and you feel like no one appreciates you because of something that you love, just keep looking. Because there are people out there who love what you love, and who will appreciate you for who you are. Being a nerd is about being special. It's about being different. And most importantly, it's about embracing that and wonderful things happen for yourself. So, go out there and be the best damn nerd you can be.

Celeste: I am King of the Nerds!

I called it. Celeste won! Yay for Celeste!

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