Thursday, March 14, 2013

Smash: The Read-Through

This episode should be called "The Read-Throughs," since there are two shows that are having read-throughs. And a third show, Liaisons is in rehearsal. If anyone was getting tired of Bombshell, there's got to be one show in Smash now that they like.

Sean Hayes is in this episode. It's too bad he didn't have any scenes with Debra Messing. But then, I guess he's not really part of the Bombshell production and Julia's not part of Liaisons . If he's in more than just this episode, I hope they have chance to have a least one scene together. It could be interesting.


I love seeing the ghost light on the stage.

I love it when we get to picture the musical numbers as they are in Tom's head. This is the reason I love Smash. The musical theatre-lover in me just goes gaga.

That yellow dress really pops.

Christian Borle is really fun that number.

It's funny that Derek is really a jerk and unlikable, but I still like him, and Julia is so manic and unlikable, and I really wish they'd change her character. Hmm.

Karen's workout shirt is so Flashdance.

Liaisons has been in rehearsal for a week? This timeline really has me confused. How long ago did Veronica have that concert? How long has Julia been working on the script with Peter? I know that they need to keep the plot moving, but the time it takes for things to get where they are is so unrealistic, and yes, confusing.

Now, Sean Hayes. He's a likable actor. Let's see if he's a likable guy, or if he's a superstar diva.

He thinks Dangerous Liaisons funny. Now, that's different.

I really like Julia and Tom together. When Julia isn't going all freaky-crazy.

Ivy confronts Terry about the direction he's taking his character. I hope that doesn't backfire on her.

The staging of the number "Some Boys" was a little strange. Usually I like the little "dream sequences," but this one didn't work for me.

Nikki Blonsky, who played Tracy Turnblad in the film version of Hairspray, is Jerry's assistant. I wonder what's she's been up to since her big movie break.

Bobby really needs a bigger part. I like him so much. He would be a great character to explore.

Oh, Ivy. That backfired.

I want Jeremy Jordan's version of "Caught in the Storm." I bought Katherine McPhee's version from iTunes, because I like the song, and I like her voice, but I like Jeremy's voice better.

We heard some of the bad dialog in Jimmy and Kyle's musical, so we know that it really was bad. We didn't hear any of Julia's rewrite of Bombshell, so we don't know for ourselves that it was good. I suppose it's easier to write dialog that you know everyone will agree is bad than to write dialog you hope everyone will agree that it's good.

Instead of being angry at Ivy for giving a dramatic performance in rehearsal, Terry wants to know how she can move everyone with her performance. Is Ivy going to become Terry's muse?

Now Karen is trying to encourage Kyle. Boy, Ivy and Karen are going around inspiring everybody.

I can't believe that Jerry doesn't think a musical with a great book can be successful on Broadway. It's a round-about way of saying that all of the hits on Broadway have bad books. Not a nice thing to say to the writers of those musicals. I'm not saying that all of the box office hits have great books, but there are people who recognize good writing and will pay to see a musical that's well-written.

Yay, Tom. You want a show about how Marilyn created herself. Not about the men who "defined" her. Not having seen any of the scenes from either version of Julia's book, I can't say which I think is better, but as I said in my last Smash post, I don't know if anyone would want a musical written about them to be about how others shaped by others. It makes you look like a really weak person, or very codependent.

I hate that Kyle gives up so easily. He just needs to rewrite the show. And Karen isn't any help. She encourages Jimmy to turn the musical into a sung-through musical.

It's strange that Jimmy apologizes to Karen and then tells her not to let him down. He seems like he's going to be nice, and then he says that? He acts as if Karen owes him something, and as if what happens to him is the most important thing in the world. Who says "just don't let me down" to someone who's trying to help them?


Eileen: Some people still place a high value on integrity.

Jerry: While the new draft of Bombshell is being read, you and your integrity will be having tea at the Mandarin.

Jerry: You could never be powerless.

Tom: The Velasco. Home of great hopes and crushing failures.

Derek: Are you done?

Tom: Cutting each other off. Calling each other "we." It's almost adorable.

Derek: Okay, here's an idea. Let's just jump to the part I care about.

Anna: You know, in the twentieth century you can call a guy.

Anna: Something tells me you just found your good reason to call.

Actress: Well, well. Terry Falls is finally gracing us with his presence. We've only been rehearsing a week without him.
Ivy: He's a big movie star. If it wasn't for him Liaisons would never have gotten a revival.
Actress: I know, but with him as Valmont, that's like asking Jim Carey to play King Lear.

Terry: I assure you I will integrate smoothly. [director hands him a script] Already memorized.
Director: That's great.

Director: Terry, we're going to have you enter stage right. [Terry walks stage left] Oh sorry, no. Up this way. Up the stairs here. Okay.
Terry: To your right or my right?
Director: It's stage right, which is to the right, this way. These are the stairs.
Terry: That's the left.
Director: No. This is stage right.
Terry: Okay.

Ivy: He's taking this beautiful dramatic gem and turning it into Spamalot.

Ivy: So, you're telling me I finally broke out of the ensemble to get a role in a show that's actually going to Broadway only to have it ruined by a literal clown and a bunch of cowards?
Tom: If the clown-shoe fits.

Anna: He can't just go around kissing you, high or not.

Julia: Okay, we need to talk to Jerry right now and tell him what Peter may be trying to do. [Tom puts his hand over his heart] What?
Tom: You cut me off. And said "we."
Julia: Cute.

Margo: Why did you change the title? I really liked "Bombshell."

Jerry: Eileen, what are you doing here?
Eileen: I'm here for the reading.
Jerry: You can't be.
Eileen: I've been involved with this show since its inception, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be taking tea while its course is being set 10 blocks away.
Jerry: Mmm.
Eileen: I lost one love and I'm not going to lose another. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can take me out in handcuffs. Am I clear?
Jerry: Margo, get the producer a script.

Derek (to Eileen): And just like that, I'm not worried anymore.

Terry: Let's lighten it up folks. Find the funny in every look. This show can and should be hilarious.

Kyle: How can you be so bad at something you love so much?

Karen: You can't just expect to wake up one day and write the next great American musical.
(You can't? Shoot.)

Anna: Don't get me started on Towering Inferno, the Musical.

Terry: Going down. Wanna come with?

Jimmy: I usually don't like a lot of people. And you're pretty cool. Just don't let me down, okay.

Eileen: Well, since it's up to me... (there's a cliffhanger for you)

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