Friday, March 1, 2013

King of the Nerds: Episode 6, Nerdy Quotes

This episode, "Nerdy Dancing," didn't feel very "nerdy" to me. Unless you're talking about music and dance nerds, which none of the contestants are. However, the nerds were still nerds. The teams had to write, produce and perform an anthem that epitomized the nerd experience. The song had to be full of nerdy references to "celebrate all things nerdy" and be catchy enough that other nerds would want to download it as their ring tone. Ha!

The nerd-off was to test their funky moves on the X-box Connect Game, "Dance Central." I didn't see any funky moves in that nerd-off. At the end of the nerd-off, the two teams were dissolved and it became every nerd for himself. We're in the home stretch!

This is the first episode where I finally decided who I want to be King of the Nerds and sit on the Throne of Games. Go Celeste! The only other person I wouldn't mind winning the competition is Moogega. The other three nerds just really annoy me.

Napoleon and Tabitha from So You Think You Can Dance were two of the choreographers for the nerds' anthems. I really like their work on SYTYCD.

It's very interesting how Virgil responded to learning Napoleon's name. See his quote below. Virgil certainly sounds very smart when he speaks. He speaks in complicated sentences, and he uses big words. However, there are some words he uses that I don't think mean what he thinks they mean. Inconceivable! *wink*

You may notice that this time I have quotes from all of the nerds except Genevieve. It's very surprising because I usually have many quotes from Genevieve, but this episode she didn't say anything I found worth quoting. She did have some interesting moments, however. She believed that if she and Virgil were pit against each other in the nerd-off that she would have the upper-hand because the results of the Nerd War made Virgil very emotional. However, when she found out what the nerd-off would be, she became even more emotional than Virgil because she wasn't as good at the Dance Central game as Virgil. In fact, you could tell that as soon as she heard what the nerd-off was going to be that she was trying as hard as she could not to break out in tears right there.


Ivan: My team is at their strength now because they have me back. The dragon has been awoken.

Virgil: My first thought was that we were going to be making a meth lab.

Ivan: We're going to write an anthem for all of nerd-kind. We're excited because it's creative and we love doing creative stuff.
(Side note: I really don't know if Ivan was being serious or sarcastic here.)

Danielle: I can't sing, but I can rap.

Virgil: The music producer was wizardly.

Virgil: Napoleon? It's like naming your child Ghengis Kahn or something. Don't get me wrong. I mean, Napoleon was a very impressive man and all, but was he like a positive man in history?

Napoleon: That was sub-par.

Celeste: I think the choreography looked awesome, if we could all do it at the same time.

Virgil: I seem to be dancing okay. I think the most I am is slightly below average.

Virgil: I have been to dance clubs before, but it hasn't been for dancing. It's been for meetings. Hacker meetings often take place in back rooms of dance clubs. They have a nice ambiance.

Ivan: I've been on stage quite a bit. Been on stage, but I've never, like, danced that hasn't involved fire.

Ivan: This is a consistent thing with Danielle. She falls and scrapes her knee. I gotta pick her up and wipe the boo boo off and be like, "It's okay, sweetie. Get back in the playground."

Danielle: I can't do that.
Ivan: It's okay, sweetie. You can totally do it, okay? In fact, you have to.
(Side note: It's so funny to hear Ivan call Danielle "sweetie." The dragon calls people "sweetie." *wink*

Ivan: Pizza time! Little Caesar's is bringing it to the yard for us again. It's time for bread sticks, son. 
(Side note: This quote was pretty much in the delivery. It's not so funny when you can't hear Ivan say it.)

Danielle: I'm telling my body to do a roll, but there's just no rolling to be had.

Virgil: I think we have a good song. We have strong choreography that matches, and I think we have good outfits. I don't know how much more do you need?

Virgil: We're putting our best foot forward and then our less good foot, in a rhythmic motion.

Danielle: In an alternate universe, I'm still not good at dancing.

Danielle: Blextrophy's song, it sounded like the opening to the Care Bears. I mean, is there a nerdy Care Bear? Is it Calculator Bear? Fun Math Bear?

Danielle: I think Blextrophy lost because their song wasn't "anthemy" enough.

Virgil: I find this game ridiculous at this point. I find this game absurd and it's becoming utterly uninteresting.

Virgil: I'll go back to CalTech and I'll enjoy it there.

Virgil: I'm aware what I'm feeling right now is unindicative of my typical feelings. I'm aware I'm still really ticked off and I suspect after a nap I'll feel better.

Danielle: I really led my team to victory. It's like all I do is win.

Danielle: Genevieve knows a little about a lot of things and Virgil knows a lot about a few things. Yesterday he told me that there's an actual phenomenon where sewer rats get their tails tied together and have to live the rest of their lives as Siamese sewer rats. It's known as "Rat King." Virgil's a wealth of random information. See, you learn all these things from him, but how would any of this ever be useful in a challenge.
(Side note: If Danielle wins a future nerd-off because she knows what a Rat King is, I'm going to laugh my head off. Or be really mad if it makes her King of the Nerds. *wink*)

Celeste: I'm just going to lay low and stay under the radar. Just like when I was in High school where I flew under the radar to survive.

Virgil (to Genevieve and Celeste): If the best doublet going forward is perceived to be Genevieve and Celeste, then I think it's me and you tomorrow [in the nerd-off]. Is that the reading?

Virgil: If that's sincerely what you think, then I'm cool with that. Let's take a quiet moment to reflect on this fact. (closes his eyes to "reflect") Okay, then. (to Genevieve) By the way, I will still try to kill you.

Virgil: If I was Spock-like, the emotional intensity of this game wouldn't get to me. But it does.

Virgil: It makes me upset I'm probably going to win.

Virgil: This game is not emotionally healthy.

Danielle: You can't feel guilty, 'cause that's the rules.
Ivan: The rules say, "You can't feel guilty."
(Side note: Ivan's remark as definitely sarcastic this time.)

Celeste: Without a doubt, I am one of the top female gamers in the country. I dominate. No joke.

Moogega: There's nothing I've been wanting to see more than a nerd dance-off.

Moogega: Genevieve looks like the inflatable flayling arms man.

Moogega: Virgil's letting his freak-flag fly.

Ivan: Wow, wow. We're in the end-game, kids. This is the final five. This is where the good stuff happens.

Virgil: Being in close quarters forced me to realize I have to accept my own membership within the social structure. I will miss, for the first time, being part of a group. There's a real spirit of, I guess, something like family. There are some nerds who say only IQ is what matters. You know what really matters? I mean, how about being nice? I think the world would be a better place if, like, everyone was a little bit nicer. That's what I would want in the world. I think most people would want that.

Excerpt from Blextrophy's anthem, "Talk Nerdy to Me"
So to all the geeks, Poindexters and weirdos
All I gotta say is baby let's go
I don't care if it's Klingon or Na'vi, baby
Talk nerdy to me
Talk nerdy to me
Go ahead in Java or in C, yeah
Talk nerdy to me
Talk nerdy to me

Excerpt from Servants of the Forsaken Orb's anthem, "Nerds Are King"
You call me a nerd like it's a bad thing
But the world is a kingdom and nerds are King
Representin' for the geeks who get put down
Nerd's the new cool and we run this town

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