Friday, May 25, 2012

Grammar Gaffe: Lay vs. Lie

The misuse of lay and lie is one of the grammar gaffes that really bugs me. However, I shouldn't get so upset about it, because I don't think many people are really taught the correct usage. So, this is my attempt to educate the masses.

If you don't remember anything else from this post, please remember this: When you go to bed, you LIE down.

Now let's get a little more technical, or grammar geeky.

Lie: something you do to yourself. For example, "I'm going to lie (myself) down."
Lay: something you do to something else. For example, "Lay the book on the table."

The past tense can get a little more complicated.

Past tense of Lie: Lay
For example, "When she got home, she lay down."

Past tense of Lay: Laid
For example, "Our chickens laid six eggs."

I know, crazy, right?

Here are a couple of ways you can remember which is correct.

"People lie, chickens lay [eggs]."
"Let sleeping dogs lie."

Now that you know which word is correct for which situation, if someone says, "I'm going to lay down," you can respond by saying, "people lie."

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