Saturday, May 5, 2012

Grimm: Happily Ever Aftermath

And they lived happily ever after... That isn't the end, it's only the beginning.

Grimm finally tackles the most popular fairy tale, Cinderella. But in this Grimm version, Cinderella already married the prince. This version turns the Cinderella story on its head and makes the steps the good guys. Cinderella, or Lucinda, is literally a bat out of hell.

The beginning of the episode doesn't look like an episode of Grimm. Everything is so bright and opulent.

The stepmother owns a company called The Perfect Slipper.

I don't know if I would look under the bed if I heard any weird animal sounds. Especially in a world of Wesens.

Juliette is so nice to do research about Nick's parents' deaths for him. She's already the perfect wife. She just has to say yes to Nick and marry him. It's strange that they never mention the proposal or the rejection. It's like everything is still hunky-dory.

Lucinda has a godfather instead of a godmother, and he's a Wesen. The kind of Wesen who killed the step-mother. The same type of "bat out of hell" as Lucinda.

If Renard is a Reaper, why hasn't he killed Nick already? I like Renard. I want to keep liking him. I want to think he likes Nick. I'm sure that's not the case, but I want to think it is.

It's great scene when Spencer confesses to being a Wesen with Hank in the room. I liked seeing Nick's discomfort. Hank, of course is oblivious to what Spencer is saying.

Poor Arthur. Cinderella never loved the prince.

I love that Monroe comes to the rescue with the contraption to catch the "bat out of hell."

The godfather tries to save Cinderella by killing her.


Lucinda: Thinking's no fun this late at night.

Nick: I should tell you about my nightmares more often.

Lucinda: I love you too, Arthur, but this is family.

Tiffany: Get a hold of yourself and put the vodka back in the freezer.

Nick: Do you want to do it?
Monroe: Oh man, so bad.

Monroe: Am I too late? No I can't be too late, you're still alive.

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