Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Once Upon a Time: An Apple Red as Blood

Jefferson/The Mad Hatter is back! Hooray!

Not much important happened in this episode other than Snow White finally ate the apple, and so did Henry.

And Jefferson returned.

It was a good episode, but I'm so ready for Emma to finally believe and for everything to come to a head.

The scene when Regina is tied to a tree and everyone wants revenge for what she did to her was great, and we knew it was going to happen because of previews. However, it is clear very soon that Regina is dreaming. It seems that Regina still has a conscience, it's too bad she only has it when she's dreaming.

When did Henry make it look like he is still in his bed? He just left his bedroom when Emma called, he didn't take time to make up his bed.

I love Prince James!

It's a cool effect when the blade that will chop off James's head turns to water.

How small are these kingdoms? Regina can get to King George's castle pretty easily.

Why would the King admit that James isn't his son in front of everyone?

Why isn't Mary Margaret in school during the day?

Emma doesn't want to be Sheriff anymore. She doesn't want to save anybody, except Henry.

Mary Margaret's gotten pretty sassy.

Why would the apple scare James? Does he know what it will do?

Did I already say that Jefferson is back. Yay! So, he didn't disappear into the hat.

Regina was the one who changed everyone's names. That's a lot of people to name. I wonder if she had the help of a Baby Names book. *wink*

The attack on the castle was pretty humorous to watch. I'm sure it wasn't supposed to be funny, but hearing Snow White grunt as she attacked the soldiers just made me laugh.

What kind of dust was in the fairies' buckets?

Did Henry not really believe in the curse until he saw August's wooden arm?

August is giving up. It's all up to Henry now.

When Regina takes the apple turnover out of the oven, she uses a towel to take it out, but then she uses her other hand to lay it on the counter. If it had truly been hot she would have burned that other hand. Realism, people, realism! It reminds me when characters get a coffee from Starbucks in a movie or TV show and it's really empty. You can so tell. How hard would it be to just put liquid in the cup. Realism, people, realism!

Snow White eats the apple to save Charming, and Henry eats the apple turnover to save everyone.

Charming and Snow are so connected that he feels it when she eats the apple.

How does Red know Snow sacrificed herself for true love and that the Queen didn't just kill her?

It was strange that Emma just stood there after Henry collapses. You would think that she would rush to him. It's all in the direction.

However, it wasn't until I saw these two pictures that it made sense:


Archie: My conscience is clear.

Regina: I just wanted to win - for once.

James: Losing my life for love; that's a sacrifice I'm happy to make.
King George: As you wish.

Regina: My tree is dying. Why?
Mr. Gold: Perhaps it's your fertilizer.

Grumpy: Red, you've got someone on your chin.

Grumpy: I miss Stealthy.

August: Take a look at the unvarnished truth.

Henry: You're Pinocchio.
August: What gave it away?

Snow: But I'm rescuing you.

Regina: Did you know that apples stand for health and wisdom?
Snow: Then why do I get the feeling that one might kill me?

Regina (to Emma): Do what you're so skilled at and make yourself at home.

Mr. Gold (to Regina): I guess I don't have to remind you that all magic comes with a price.

Final Thought:

When the DVDs are released, along with all of the episodes I want ABC to include just the story in Fairy Tale Land in order by itself. Sometimes it was confusing to keep track of the sequence of things.

And just because:


  1. Nice read! Since my boyfriend accidentally deleted my recording I had for this show, I actually didn’t get a chance to catch up till last night on Dish Online, but I definitely agree seeing Jefferson again was one of the highlights for me as well, lol! I’m thrilled for the finale though…it finally looks like Emma starts to believe and is thrown into some “fairy-tale” things. I don’t know what I’m going to do during the long wait before it comes back, so I’m hoping season two doesn’t keep me waiting for too long! I do know this Sunday a couple of my coworker at Dish are coming over for the premiere, so hopefully the boyfriend doesn’t delete it again. :)

    1. Alyssa, I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. I'm ready to see how this all plays out. I'm excited for Sunday.
