Saturday, June 8, 2013

Arrow: Darkness on the Edge of Town

Arrow started out strong and then slid a bit in the middle of the season. However, it's making up for that slump as it gets to the end of the season. The episodes have become so strong. I love the characters, even the villain. (Do you hear that Once Upon a Time - fans can love the villain. But it doesn't hurt when the villain is John Barrowman).


Malcolm Merlyn is a bad, bad man.

Do I want Laurel and Oliver get back together? I'm not sure. After seeing the flashback in the last episode, I like Laurel more, and it was nice to see that they really did have a relationship before. Side note: Is it strange that I want to call the couple "Stan" and "Hardy"? Does anybody get the reference?

I wonder what the reason was for Fyers' man to pretend to be a tied up and beaten the time that Oliver found him in the cave (in the flashback a few episodes ago). Was there a purpose for Fyers to have the man do it, or was it just a plot device the writers stuck in there to see if Oliver would believe the man or not. To create suspense and drama. I would guess the latter.

It's a good thing that Merlyn uses black arrows so that the police don't think that the Hood is the one who killed all of those people. I wonder why he doesn't want to try to frame the Hood.

Now we know Fyers' agenda. He wants to cripple China's economy.

Thea is sneaky.

And this episode was brought to you by Microsoft Windows 8. I wonder if the tablet is Roy's (and if he stole it), or if it's Thea's and she's letting him "borrow" it.

Now, Oliver. That's a pretty underhanded way to get information from your mother. At least he got beat up a bit for fooling his mom.

Malcolm Merlyn has a trigger. He should meet Regina Mills. They could compare triggers. *wink*

It's great to finally see what's going on with Fyers and Yao Fei on the island. It's all coming to a head. And we know that Oliver still has more than four years left on the island. What else is going to happen? Hmm.

And who is Fyers working for? Some woman with a nice pair of legs. Is it Moira?

I'm a bit glad that Felicity can't easily get into Merlyn's mainframe, simply because I just don't want to believe that it could be easy for a computer genius to hack into just any mainframe they want.

Felicity is getting into Merlyn's headquarters by delivering a Big Belly Burger to a security guy. I love it. I wonder if one day there will be a Big Belly Burger. Get the name while it's hot! *wink*

I love how Oliver got the guy out of the elevator. Poor guy.

If Oliver hasn't realized by now that Felicity has a crush on him, then he's really an idiot.

Did anyone else think of Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Diggle answered Oliver's question, "You got eyes on her," with "Five by five"? I know it's not a phrase made up by Joss Whedon, but that phrase will always remind me of Faith.

Poor Moira. Walter wants a divorce. However, I don't blame him.

Oliver thinks that he's going to stop Merlyn. If he stops Merlyn he thinks he can stop being the Hood. If he stops being the Hood he thinks he can be with Laurel.

Fyers is a bad, bad man.

Oh no. Merlyn knows. What will he do, now that he knows? We'll find out in the season finale. Great times!


Oliver: Why wouldn't she call him? They're old friends. We're all old friends.
Felicity: Are you okay?
Oliver: My mom and my best friend's dad are involved in a conspiracy that may have dire consequences for this city. And I'm pretty sure they murdered my father. I'm not planning on using the word "okay" again any time soon.

Felicity: The last time the vigilante paid your mom a visit, you got shot and I got to play doctor with you. Oh, my mind thinks of the worst way to say things.

Oliver: Laurel what are you doing here [at the club]? It's not even 7am.
Felicity: That's just after closing time, right?

Moira (to Walter): We've prepared a delicious brunch for you. All your favorites.
Thea: Oh, yum. English food.

Thea: Where did you even get that camera. Come to think of it, where did you get this car.
Roy: I borrowed it. Illegally.

Thea: Okay, I officially do not like that look.

Oliver: I'm just suggesting that maybe you were scared. That maybe you didn't mean for any of this to happen. But it was harder than you thought, and now you're barely keeping your head above water. Please, Mom, let me help you before you drown.

Thea: Did you find anything?
Roy: Lots.
Thea: Anything helpful.
Roy: No. Still looking.

Dig/Hood: If you don't tell me I can't stop Merlyn.
Moira: You can stop him. It's too late.

Moira: You know I would never willingly be a part of anything like this.
Oliver: I don't know anything anymore.

Felicity: You said you were going to pull your punches!
Diggle: I did.
Felicity (to Oliver): Let me get you an ice pack for... everything.
Oliver: I'm fine.

Oliver: I need you to dig up everything you can on Unidac Industries.
Felicity: Well, we know Queen Consolidated acquired them seven months ago. That's when we met.
Oliver: I need information on what I don't know.

Felicity: As I keep proving, people keep secrets - computers don't.
Oliver: Felicity, are you hacking into the Merlyn global mainframe?
Felicity: Hacking is such an ugly word. No. I'm... Yea, totally hacking into the Merlyn global mainframe.

Moira: Am I wrong?
Malcolm: Rarely.

Detective Lance: Since Queen's been back he's... different. I'll deny ever having said that.

Oliver: Anything?
Felicity: Just for the record, I will pump my fist in the air and yell, "yes!" if I get in.
Diggle: You can just say this isn't working.
Felicity: This isn't working.

Felicity: Unless I can waltz up to Merlyn's mainframe and plug in my tablet directly, there's no way of getting that location.
Oliver: Then we waltz.

Felicity: I have a super deluxe big belly buster for a Mr. Andrews. I think he's in security. He a good tipper?

Oliver: Mr. Andrews got his lunch?
Felicity: One belly buster with Benzodiazepine. Hold the mayo.

Oliver: Don't look down.
Felicity: Too late. I should mention that I'm afraid of heights. Which I just learned.

Oliver: Hey, Felicity.
Felicity: Huh?
Oliver: Hold on to me tight.
Felicity: I imagined you saying that under different circumstances. Very platonic circumstances.

Oliver: You all right?
Felicity: I'm fine. Yea, this is my "just about to hack" face. I always look like this when I'm about to, you know... hack.

Oliver: Dig, you got eyes on her?
Diggle: Five by five.

Oliver: I thought it was past time we talked.
Tommy: About what? Me leaving the club, you being a serial killer? We're not lacking topics.

Oliver: What exactly do you do here?
Tommy: I work closely with my father.

Felicity (pumps her fist in the air): Yes! Oh, I really do do that.

Diggle: Let's go, Barbie. Your last new last name ain't gonna be Merlyn.
Felicity: But I love him! He's my man! [walk past security officer] You're my knight in shining armor.

Roy: No offense, Thea, but your brother's kind of a wimp.

Walter: You know, I read about people in forced captivity. Some of them said it was a simple thought that got them through the isolation and fear: returning to their loved ones. So I don't know really why I'm still alive, Moira. Because I didn't have that.

Oliver: My father, he told me that he failed this city. He asked me to right his wrongs, but I never knew what he meant until now. It's the undertaking. I promised myself that when I crossed all these names off the list that I'd be done, but taking out these people, it doesn't honor him. I was just treating the symptoms while the disease festered. I stop the undertaking, I wipe out the disease.

Hood: Malcolm Merlyn, you have failed this city.

Merlyn: Ironic, isn't it? Last Christmas I almost killed you. A few months ago you saved my life. And now you're here trying to kill me. You should make up your mind.
Hood: Fine.

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