Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Favorite Doctor Who Episodes: The Christmas Invasion

It's David Tennant's first episode as the Doctor. And he starts out with a bang. I remember the first time I saw this episode. I was still sad that Christopher Eccleston left the series, and I didn't know who David Tennant was. I felt he had a lot to prove. This episode was a great introduction to Tennant's Doctor. By the time it was over, I was more than willing to give him a chance and keep watching Doctor Who. And, six or seven years later, I'm still glad I did.

The 10th Doctor is asleep through much of his first episode (he's in the middle of regenerating), but once he wakes up and is ready to take on the Sycorax - watch out!

The Sycorax is a great alien monster. They are able to control much of the population of Earth through some kind of mind control, and if the leaders of Earth don't give them what they want, then they will force the one's in their control to jump of high-rise buildings. And still, the Doctor sleeps.

I love seeing Harriet Jones in this episode, and I love how she introduces herself to everyone as "Harriet Jones, Prime Minister," and everyone replies, "I know who you are." It's such a funny running gag.

It's a great moment when the TARDIS starts translating what the Sycorax is saying. The reactions from Rose, Harriet, Mickey and Alex are great. And then we finally see the person everyone (including ourselves) has been waiting to see, open the TARDIS doors. It's a great moment. Aside: I think this is one of the few times that you see anyone open both doors of the TARDIS. End of aside.

I love what makes the Doctor wake up. Nice cup of tea. Well, maybe not exactly a cup. But it's exactly what he needed.

The great thing about the regeneration of the Doctor, is that he is a totally new person - a new personality. I love how the Doctor is trying to figure out who he is - what kind of a man he is. And he starts to learn as he deals with the Sycorax.

I love it when the Doctor talks about human beings and starts to quote "The Circle of Life" from The Lion King. He makes it sound like such a grandiose speech, and it's just Elton John.

Poor Harriet Jones, Prime Minister. She learns the hard way that you don't go against the Doctor.


Doctor: Here we are, then. London, Earth, the solar system, isn't it?

Doctor: Merry Christmas!

Mickey: Who is he? where's the Doctor?
Rose: That's him. Right in front of you. That's the Doctor.
Jackie: What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?

Rose: I keep forgetting his not human.

Mickey: You can rely on me. I don't go changing my face.

Mickey: I can't even go shopping with you, we get attacked by a brass band.

Jackie: I'm gonna get killed by a Christmas tree!

Doctor: My head! I'm having a neural implosion. I need...
Jackie: What do you need?
Doctor: I need...
Jackie: Just say. Tell me. Tell me. Painkillers? Aspirin?
Doctor: I need...
Jackie: Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I don't know. Pepto-Bismol?
Doctor: I need...
Jackie: Liquid paraffin. Vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E!
Doctor: I need...
Jackie: Is it food? Something simple. Bowl of soup? Nice bowl of soup? Soup and a sandwich? Oh, soup and a little ham sandwich?
Doctor: I need you to shut up!
Jackie: Oh, he hasn't changed that much.

Doctor: Something is coming.

Harriet: Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.
Llewelyn: Well, yes, I know who you are.

Harriet: Alex is my right-hand man. I'm not used to having a right-hand man. I quite like it, though.
Alex: I quite like it myself.

Llewelyn: You seem to be talking about aliens as a matter of fact.
Harriet: There's an Act of Parliament banning my autobiography.

Harriet: I don't think we've been introduced. Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.
Miss Jacobs: Yes, I know who you are.

Major Blake: I'm getting demands from Washington, ma'am. The President's insisting that he takes control of the situation.
Harriet: You can tell the President, and please use these exact words, he's not my boss and he's certainly not turning this into a war.

Harriet: What about Torchwood. I know I'm not supposed to know about that, I realize that. Not even the United Nations knows. But if ever there was a need for Torchwood, it's now.
Major: I can't take responsibility.
Harriet: I can.

Alex (translating the Sycorax message): "Sycorax strong. Sycorax mighty. Sycorax rock." As in the modern sense, they rock.

Rose: The Doctor wouldn't do this. The old Doctor, the proper Doctor, he's wake up.

Harriet: Did we ask about the royal family? Oh. They're on the roof.

Harriet (telecasting an address to the world): Help us. Please, Doctor, help us.

Rose: I've traveled with him and I've seen all that stuff, but when I'm stuck at home, I'm useless.

Alex (translating the Sycorax message): "Come aboard."
Harriet: Well, how do I do that?
Llewelyn: What's happening?
Harriet: I would imagine it's called a teleport.

Llewelyn: It's a helmet. They might be like us. (the Sycorax removed his helmet) Or not.

Harriet: Harriet Jones. Prime Minister.
Alex (translating for the Sycorax): "Yes, we know who you are."

Mickey: No chance you can fly this thing.
Rose: Not anymore, no.
Mickey: Well, you did it before.
Rose: I know, but it's sort of been wiped out of my head, like it's forbidden. If I try again, I think the universe rips in half.
Mickey: Ah. Better not, then.
Rose: Maybe not.

Jackie: Right. Here we go. Nice cup of tea.
Rose: The solution to everything.

Mickey: Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. It's very British.

Rose: Someone's got to be the Doctor.
Harriet: They'll kill you.
Rose: It never stopped him.

Rose: I, um... I address the Sycorax... um, according to Article 15 of the Shadow Proclamation. I command you to leave this world with all the authority of... the Slitheen Parliament of Rexicoricophalvitorius and, um...the Gelth Confederacy... as, uh, sanctioned by the Mighty Jagrafess and... Oh! The Daleks. Now leave this planet in peace! In peace...

Alex: Hold on. That's English.
Harriet: He's talking English.
Rose: You're talking English.
Sycorax: I would ever dirty my tongue with your primitive bile!
Rose: That's English. Can you hear English?
Mickey: Yea, that's English.
Alex: Definitely English.

Doctor: Did you miss me?

Doctor: You can have someone's eye out with that.

Doctor: You! Just wait. I'm busy. Mickey, hello! And Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it's like This is Your Life. Tea! That's all I needed. A good cup of tea. Super-heated infusion of free radical and tannin, just the thing for healing the synapses. Now, first things first. How do I look?
Rose: Um... Different.
Doctor: Good different or bad different?
Rose: Just different.
Doctor: Am I... ginger?
Rose: No, you're just sort of brown.
Doctor: Oh, I wanted to be ginger. I've never been ginger. And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were. You gave up on me. Oh, that's rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger.

Sycorax: If I might interrupt.
Doctor: Yes, sorry. Hello, big fella.
Syrorax: Who exactly are you?
Doctor: Well, that's the question.
Sycorax: I demand to know who you are!
Doctor (imitates the alien): I don't know! See, that's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? A right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed, left-handed, a gambler, a fighter, a coward, a traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob*.

Doctor: Blood control. Ah, blood control! I haven't seen blood control for years.

Doctor: Look at these people. These human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet, and, blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than... No, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands.

Sycorax: You stand as this world's champion.
Doctor: Thank you. I've no idea who I am, but you've just summed me up.

Rose: Look out!
Doctor: Oh, yea, that helps. I wouldn't have thought of that otherwise. Thanks.

Doctor: You but my hand off!
Sycorax (celebrating): Sycorax!
Doctor: And now I know what kind of man I am. I'm lucky, 'cause quite by chance, I'm still within the first 15 hours of my regeneration cycle. Which I've got just enough residual cellular energy to do this.
[His hand regenerated]
Sycorax: Witchcraft.
Doctor: Time Lord.

Rose: Doctor!
[She throws the Doctor a sword]
Doctor: So, I'm still the Doctor, then.
Rose: No arguments from me.

Doctor (to the Sycorax): You want to know the best bit? This new hand... it's a fighting hand!

Doctor: Not bad for a man in his jimjams. Very Arthur Dent. Now, there was a nice man.

Doctor: Doesn't that sum up Christmas. You go through all those presents and right at the end, tucked away at the bottom, there's always once stupid old satsuma.

Doctor: No second chances. I'm that sort of a man.

Doctor: When you talk of the Earth, then make sure you tell them this. It is defended.

Harriet: My Doctor.
Doctor: Prime Minister.
Harriet: Definitely the same man.

Jackie: Rose!
Rose: Mum!
Doctor: Oh, talking of trouble.

Rose: It was the tea. It fixed his head.
Doctor: That's all I needed. Cup of tea.
Jackie: I said so.

Doctor: Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, because I'm a completely new man.

Jackie: It's like you're looking for trouble.
Doctor: Trouble's just the bits in between. It's all waiting out there, Jackie. And it's brand new to me. All those planets, creatures and horizons, haven't seen them yet. Not with these eyes. And it is going to be... fantastic.

*Gob - mouth

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