Friday, June 21, 2013

Arrow: Sacrifice

This was a great season finale. So much happened. And something happened that I was not happy about at all. I'm so glad that the show got away from just crossing the bad people off of The List, and focused on one main villain, leading up to this big event. I loved it!



Oh,  how I despise Malcolm Merlyn, but oh, how I love John Barrowman.

I can't believe that Oliver is able to walk after dropping that hard to the ground like that, let alone fight a bunch of men. I guess that's why he's considered a "super" hero.

It's funny that when Detective Lance is on the phone with the Hood, Lance tells him that he has his "sidekick" right in front of him, and the Hood responds, "I don't have a sidekick. When I need help, I call you." But it's also kind of sad that Oliver doesn't ask Lance who it is he's talking about, because there's a big chance it could be Felicity, which of course it is. I'm sad that Oliver wouldn't be concerned that Detective Lance has taken Felicity down to the police station.

I wish we weren't back to the older, more mature Laurel. I really liked her in last week's episode in the flashback when she was full of life, and fun, and had more of a personality. I know that her life is so much more serious now, but if there were just some glimpses of some enthusiasm or (forgive the word) sparkle I would like her character (or maybe her acting) so much better.

Poor Tommy, having to listen to his mother's last words.

Felicity first says that the Glades is a "geologically stable area," and then she says that there is a fault line running below the Glades. Am I missing something here? Wouldn't a fault line make an area geologically unstable?

Moira has finally gotten the courage to speak out publicly about Malcolm. Very publicly. That's not going to bode well for her. Oh, and she uses Oliver's catch phrase and says she has "failed this city."

In the last scene with Malcolm and Tommy, Malcolm played the tape of Tommy's mother's last voicemail, and then it cut to another scene so we don't know what happened right after Malcolm played the tape. Now, we see them again, and they just happen to have the television on and they hear Moira making her confession and ratting out Malcolm. I wonder what happened between their last scene and this one that made them turn on the television. I know this is a strange and very random observation, but as an actor I think a character's motivation. Why would they suddenly turn on the TV? Did someone tell them to turn it on? Did Tommy say, "I can't deal with this right now, let's watch Jeopardy?" I know why the writers put the scene in. They wanted Malcolm to hear her telling the city about his plan so we could see his reaction and see what he does next. And also to show Tommy that his father really is a bad, bad man. At least we know why Oliver turned the TV on. Thea told him to.

Thea's response when Moira apologized to her and then said, "I love you," was laughable. She immediately said, "I love Roy." There is some good writing in this show and then there's some really bad writing, like this stupid response from Thea.

I understand that Moira called the press in so her confession would be broadcast to everyone, but did she also invite cops to the press conference so they would be there to immediately arrest her?

I love that Oliver asks Detective Lance to help in the dismantling of the device. I really like that Lance's character has changed through the season.

It's raining in the Glades, but it's a clear night above the "good" part of Starling City. Boy, that's some interesting weather.

Why does Oliver tell Tommy to get to safety when he's at Merlyn's office tower. He isn't leveling the good part of the city, he's leveling the Glades.

How did Detective Lance not see that device until he was right on it? It was pretty bright.

Aw. Thea is always there when Roy needs help.

And it's the good old stand-by when trying to disarm a bomb. You cut the wire thinking you've stopped it, but no. It takes four minutes off of the timer. Gotta build that suspense.

Even though some of Laurel's scene bug me, I did like the exchange between her and her father when he calls her after the timer on the device goes down to two minutes. It was very emotional. I like Detective Lance.

Roy is becoming a hero. How long before he becomes a "super" hero.

I really expected them to stop the undertaking. I didn't expect there to be another device. I also expected Oliver to save Laurel, not Tommy. And I definitely didn't expect Tommy to die. Dang it!

So, that's it until the fall. I wonder how Malcolm will be affected by Tommy's death. Will he blame himself, or blame Oliver? Or will he even care? He didn't seem to care about him when he beat him up to keep Tommy from shooting him. Will Malcolm still be the main villain next season, or will there be a new main villain? How long before Roy finds out that Oliver is the Hood, and will Thea learn the truth at the same time? Will Oliver ever tell Laurel his secret? And what's going to happen on the island now that Fyers is dead? I'll definitely be watching to find out.


Malcolm: I hope I didn't hurt you. But least I can properly thank you now for saving my life. If I only knew how you were spending your nights.

Malcolm: Not a day goes by I don't miss your father.
Oliver: You'll see him soon.

Diggle: I take back every joke I made about you sticking a tracking device in your boot.

Detective Lance: Not exactly a hardened criminal, are you?
Felicity: No, I'm not any kind of a criminal.
Lance: What do you call computer hacking?
Felicity: A hobby? That I do not engage in.

Lance: I swore to uphold the law because the law is steady, the law is unchanging, the law needed to be protected. But what are laws, rules, if they don't protect people?

Moira: Everything I have ever said or done has been to protect you and your sister.
Oliver: What about all those people in the Glades?
Moira: I'm not their mother.

Moira: Where are you going?
Oliver: Somebody in this family needs to put an end to this. Whatever the cost.

Oliver: I never told you what happened to me on the island.
Laurel: You didn't have to. I can see that it changed you.
Oliver: That's the thing. Laurel it didn't. Those five years didn't change me, they just... they scraped away all the things that I wasn't and revealed the person I always was, which is the person... That's who you always saw.

Tommy (to Malcolm): He said you wanted to nuke the Glades or something. It's funny, scotch doesn't make it anymore believable.

Oliver (answering Thea's phone call): Now is not a good time.
Thea: Yea. Understate much?
(Side note: Thea must be a Buffy fan. If you're a Buffy fan you'll know what I'm saying.)

Tommy: Is it true? Did you really kill all those people?
Malcolm: I did what I had to do.

Diggle: I thought Merlyn broke your bow.
Oliver: I have another.

Diggle: Oliver, you are not alone. Not since you brought me into this. (looks at Felicity) Us into this. Besides, Army regulations. A soldier never lets a brother go into battle alone.
Oliver: I'm out of bows.
Diggle: I've got my gun.
Felicity: I guess it's up to me to do the dismantling.

Slade: I should have figured you couldn't save the day without making a mess.

Fyers: Amazing. A two year operation undone because a young playboy happened to wash up on the shore. And now here you are - a killer.

Felicity (guiding Lance to disarm the device): Do you see a timer?
Lance: Seven minutes.
Felicity: Well, good news is, this is going to be a paperweight in three.

Roy: Did you come here to rescue me.
Thea: Yea.

Oliver: Thank you for teaching me what I'm fighting for. But my father taught me how.

Oliver: It's over.
Malcolm: If I've learned anything as a successful businessman, it's... redundancy.

Oliver: Open your eyes, Tommy. Open your eyes.

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