Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Once Upon a Time: The Crocodile

Oh, Captain Hook. *sigh* There are many fans of Once Upon a Time who feel they have to be either on Rumpel's side or Captain Hook's side. Well, if I had to choose, I'd go with Captain Hook. Robert Carlyle is a great actor, and he has done so much with the characters of Rumpelstiltskin and Mr. Gold, but if I had to choose whom I would take with me on a deserted island (or anywhere else) I would say it would be this Captain Hook.


Every time I see Rumpel and Belle together I feel like I'm looking at a father and daughter. And then they kiss, and I think - this is so wrong.

Why does Rumpel still walk with a cane in Storybrooke? If he's Rumpelstiltskin again, he shouldn't need it.

When Rumpel is begging Hook for his wife, and he says, "Please sir," I think he's going to say, "I want some more." Maybe it's because I just saw a stage production of Oliver, but whenever anyone says "please sir" in an English accent I think that they are going to ask for more.

Why would Red ask if they've found any fairy dust? Aren't they looking for diamonds to turn to fairy dust?

How is Belle paying for her ice tea? Did Rumpel give her some money?

Why does Red call herself Ruby? Maybe they're all confused because they've all been two people in their lives, and they're not quite sure who they are. Maybe they should all go to therapy with Jiminy, or is that Archie? *wink*

Just because Belle likes books, it doesn't mean she could be a librarian. Would she even know what a "library" is. In her world there were just book lenders. And what does she know about the dewey decimal system? *wink*

Belle has some really nice shoes, but I wonder how she is able to walk in those heels after wearing low-heeled shoes for so long.

Rumpel needs something that Belle owned in order to find Belle using magic. If he has given her presents or clothes, wouldn't those be things she owns?

Why wouldn't Belle go to find her father after the curse was broken? Rumpel wasn't keeping her from going, I'm sure.

Mila fell in love with Killian in one evening at the tavern because of his stories. This really is the land of fairy tales.

I find it strange that Belle has dresses, and yet Rumpel never gave her a "sweater for the cold."

Red can track Belle because of "the wolf thing." Is she going to turn into a wolf at the next full moon? I really want to see that happen and how the people of Storybrooke deal with it.

I really hate that they changed the story of Peter Pan so much. It should have been Peter Pan who cut off Hook's hand. They are putting Rumpel Central in so many people's story. He cut off Hook's hand, he is the Beast, he's Cinderella's fairy godmother. I like the deconstruction of fairy tales, but there are parts of fairy tales and fictional stories I'd like to see them keep. They are great stories for a reason.

Are we going to have scenes in Neverland? Why not add one more "land" to the mix.


Killian Jones (Hook): A man unwilling to flight for what he wants deserves what he gets.

William: It really is you, the dark one, in the flesh? Or whatever that is.

Rumpel: Only too happy to jog your memory, but it is a bit messy.

Rumpel: It's not lost on me that I'm now here to ask for your help.
Charming: Then it shouldn't be lost on you when I say no.

Charming: Do you remember turning a butcher into a pig?
Rumpel: Can't say that I do.
Charming: Well, he does. Apparently it was his father. I'm beginning to see why no one wants to help.

Mila: Please, don't hurt him, I can explain.
Rumpel: Tick tock, dearie, tick tock.

Rumpel (to Belle): Magic has become such a crutch that I can't walk without it.

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