Saturday, February 9, 2013

Stage Review: Dreamgirls

I have just added another musical to my list of favorites. Dreamgirls. The touring production I just saw has led me to add it to my list. This production was full of theatricality - all of the things I love about musical theatre - great acting, beautiful costumes, a great set, a great score, and incredible voices. 

Dreamgirls is about a Supremes-like girl group in the sixties and seventies. The story follows them from the beginning of their career as backup singers to an established male singer, to their success as their own group, the Dreamettes, and the drama that goes on behind the scenes. Jasmin Richardson (Deena), Mary Searcy (Lorrell), and Charity Dawson (Effie), play the trio.

The set was simple and didn't overpower any aspect of the production. It consisted mainly of panels that moved around the stage, and where lights and images were projected. It was used well to indicate scene changes. The first scene where the three main girls are competing with other music groups at the famed Apollo Theater is very well staged, moving seamlessly back and forth between the acts on stage and the excitement happening backstage of the theater. 

The costumes were wonderful, and fit the fashion of the times (1962-75) well. The gowns worn by the trio who made up the Dreamettes were striking. There were a few major costume changes that happened in mere minutes. The changes were very impressive and made the audience wonder how they were able to do it in such a short amount of time. 

All of the musical numbers were well done, but there were a few stand-outs for me. "Stepping' to the Bad Side" was a great production number. The choreography was outstanding and it was performed perfectly by the chorus. I loved "Listen." In the film it was turned into a solo for Beyonce, who played Deena Jones, but in the stage production it is a wonderful duet between Deena and Effie. I loved it as a duet. It changed the meaning of the song, and it was much more moving in the context of the story.

Of course I have to mention the most famous number in the musical, "And I Am Telling You, I'm Not Going." Charity Dawson definitely had the "chops" to sing it. It's a great end to act one. I had issues with some of Dawson's acting choices during the song, but on the whole, it was a great number.

I love it when I'm able to see stage musical I've never seen before, and I love it even more when I like the show and the production. Now I want to go back and watch the film again and see what changes they made. I enjoyed the film the first time I saw it, and I think I'll enjoy it more now that I've seen the stage production.

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