Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 2, ep. 15 Quippy Quotes

In "Phases," Buffy gets to deal with a new type of monster. A maniacal, egotistical, greedy, misogynistic hunter. Oh, yes... and a werewolf. The werewolf is harder to deal with than a vampire, because, unlike a vampire or demon, it is human 28 days of the month. So, you can't kill it. The question is then - what do you do with it?

Just a general thought about Buffy: I wonder if any of the other students at Sunnydale High School think it's strange that the librarian is always hanging around four certain students, and one in particular, quite often. And also that those four students hang around the library a lot. A library that pretty much no other student ever sets foot in. Hmm.


Willow: Hi.
Oz: Oh, that's what I was going to say.

Oz: This cheer-leading trophy. It's like its eyes follow you wherever you go. I like it.

Willow: Oh, there! I have... my friend. So, I will go to her.

Oz: That's great, Larry. You've really mastered the single entendre.

Buffy: What guy could resist your wily Willow charms?
Willow: At last count, all of them. Maybe more.
Buffy: None of them know a thing. They all get an F in Willow.
Willow: But I want Oz to get an A. And oh! One of those gold stars.

Xander: I just don't trust Oz with her. I mean, he's a senior. He's attractive. Okay, maybe not to me, but... and he's in a band. We know what kind of element that attracts.
Cordelia: I've dated lots of guys in bands.
Xander: Thank you.

Xander: I do not babble. I occasionally run on. Every now and then I yammer.

Buffy: You're sure it was a werewolf?
Xander: Well, let's see... um, six feet tall, claws, a big old snout in the middle of its face like a wolf. Um, yea, I'm stickin' with my first guess.
Oz: Seems wise.

Cordelia: It was awful.
Xander: I know.
Cordelia: Daddy just had this car detailed.

Giles: It seems there were a number of other attacks by a "wild dog" around town. Several animal carcasses were found mutilated.
Willow: You mean like bunnies and stuff. No. Don't tell me.
Oz: Oh, don't worry. They might not look it, but bunnies can really take care of themselves.

Willow: Last night was the night before the full moon, traditionally known as... the night before the full moon.

Giles: You mean the accepted legend that werewolves only prowl during a full moon might be erroneous?
Cordelia: Or it could be a crock.
Xander: Unless it was using last month's almanac.

Giles: I'm intrigued. Werewolves. It's one of the classics. I'm sure my books and I are in for a fascinating afternoon.
Buffy: He needs to get a pet.

Cordelia (to Xander): I think you've splashed on just a little too much Obsession for Dorks.

[Learning self-defense in gym class]
Willow: Don't forget, you're supposed to be a meek little girlie girl like the rest of us.
Buffy: Spoil my fun.

Giles: The phases of the moon do seem to exert a great deal of psychological influence. And the full moon seems to bring out our darkest qualities.
Xander: And yet, ironically, it led to the invention of the moon pie.
Giles (laughs): Oh. Moon pie. Yes.

Willow (re: the werewolf): Quite the party animal.
Giles: Quite. And it acts on pure instinct. No conscience. Predatory and aggressive.
Buffy: In other words, your typical male.
Xander: On behalf of my gender - hey!
Giles: Yes, let's not jump to any conclusions.
Buffy: I didn't jump. I took a tiny step, and there conclusions were.

Buffy: We're hunting werewolves. [Kane laughs] Okay. It's funny if you don't believe in werewolves.
Kane: No, it's funny thinking about you two catching one. This guy looks like he's auditioning to be a librarian, and you... well, you're a girl.

Giles: You hunt werewolves for sport?
Kane: No, no. I'm in it purely for the money.
Buffy: And it doesn't bother you that a werewolf is a person 28 days out of the month?
Kane: That's why I only hunt them the other three.

Giles: Where are you going?
Buffy: I think I may know where to look. We just have to make it there before "Mein Furrier."

Willow: Oz and I are in some sort of holding pattern. Except without the holding... or anything else.

Cordelia: What's his problem? Oh, that's right. He's a guy.
Willow: Yea. Him and Xander. Guys.
Cordelia: Who do they think they are?
Willow: Couple of guys.

Xander: While we hang here doing nothing, there's a human werewolf walking around out there, probably making fun of us.
Willow: The way werewolves always do.

Xander: Giles knows stuff, and I'm practically an expert on the subject.
Willow: On account of once you were a hyena?
Xander: I know what it's like to crave the taste of freshly-killed meat. To be taken over by those uncontrollable urges.
Buffy: But you said you didn't remember anything about that.
Xander (laughs uncomfortably): I said I didn't remember anything about that.

Buffy: So, what's the scuttlebutt? Anybody besides Larry fit our werewolf profile?
Willow: There's one name that keeps getting spit out. Aggressive behavior, run-ins with the authorities. About a screenful of violent incidents.
Buffy: Okay, most of those were not my fault. Somebody else started them. I was just standing up for myself.
Willow: They say it's a good idea to count to ten when you're angry.
Buffy: One... two... three...
Willow: I'll keep looking.

Willow: Cordelia asked me to look over her history homework. I think that means I might have to do it.

Xander: Buffy, you can't blame yourself for every death that happens in Sunnydale. If it weren't for you, people would be lined up five deep waiting to get buried. Willow would be Robbie the Robot's love slave, I wouldn't even have a head, and... Theresa's a vampire.

Willow (to Oz): I had this whole thing worked out. And I had it written down, but then it didn't make any sense when I was reading it back.

Willow: Buffy told me that sometimes what a girl makes has to be the first move, and now that I'm saying this I'm starting to think that the written version sounded pretty good, but you know what I mean.

****Spoilers Ahead****

Willow: He said he was going through all these changes, and he went through... all these changes.

Buffy: It'll put a strain on Willow and Oz's relationship
Xander: What relationship? I mean, what life could they possibly have together? We're talking obedience school, paper training. Oz is always in the back burying her things, and that kind of breed cold turn on its owner.

Xander: If it were up to me...
Buffy: Xander. It's not up to you.

Oz: I spoke to Giles. He said I'll be okay. I just have to lock myself up around the full moon. Only he used more words than that. And a globe.

Willow: I'm sorry about how all of this ended up, with me shooting you and all.
Oz: It's okay. I'm sorry I almost ate you.

Willow: I'd still, if you'd still.
Oz: I'd still. I'd very still.
Willow: Okay. No biting, though.

Oz: A werewolf in love.

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