Friday, February 8, 2013

Arrow: Vertigo

Now it's really personal. If you mess with Oliver's family, you have to deal with The Hood. Maybe Oliver should blame himself for Thea's descent into the world of drugs. He did, after all, nickname the poor girl, "Speedy."


It's a good thing Oliver has Diggle to be his secretary and remind him where he needs to be and when he needs to be there.

Looks like they should have taken my advice and hired  Laurel to defend Thea instead of the "best criminal lawyer in the city."

And we meet another woman from Oliver's past - McKenna Hall. Wonder where that's going to go?

Why would a cop give a civilian (Oliver) a file on a criminal?

What is it with villains who are overly dramatic and crazy - like the Joker?

And... there's Windows 8 placement again. How subtle was that?

Laurel brought up the "S" word. We haven't heard about Sarah for quite a long time.

How does a man keep a constant five o'clock shadow? Does it take a lot of work to keep facial hair looking like that?

I love Diggle.

I go back and forth liking Thea, then being extremely annoyed with her, then disliking her immensely.

Does Thea know any other adjectives to describe her mother than "liar" and "cheat"?

Thea makes up with her mother quite quickly. Let's see how long that lasts.

How did Yao Fei know that Oliver would survive being pushed off a cliff into a raging river?

Felicity is much more than just an IT girl. She can do everything. Oliver - there's your woman!

Detective Lance says "get me an ambulance. Now!" When else would he want it? In ten minutes? A half hour?

That laugh between Oliver and Laurel is so awkward. Not because it's between exes, but because it's just bad acting.

So, Oliver isn't the only one who calls Thea "Speedy." Laurel calls her that too.

Will we see The Count again? An even more dramatic, crazy Count?

Oh, no. Oliver's going to find out that his mother is a liar. Will he find out she's a cheat too?


The Hood: Whoever you fear, fear me more.

Diggle: The Count - that's worse than The Hood.

Oliver: Judges don't appreciate the value of being fashionably late.
Thea: Got any other tips?
Oliver: Let the lawyer do all the talking. They give you a pad and paper, but do not play tic tac toe. Judges don't appreciate that either.
(Side note: A pad and paper? What a about a pen? *wink*)

Oliver (to Moira): Are you going to be okay?
Moira: I'm not the one facing prison.

Laurel (to Tommy): I'm learning that you don't like to wake up at any hour that ends in a.m.

Diggle: Whoa! That's a neat trick. You gonna teach me that one day?
Oliver: No.

Diggle: How ya feelin'?
Oliver: I feel like I have the worst hangover of my life.
Diggle: And that coming from a guy who spent most of his 20s in a hangover. That's really saying something.

Diggle: I'm glad you came to your senses.
Oliver: You should always remember one thing, Dig.
Diggle: What's that?
Oliver: I don't need the bow.

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