Friday, February 22, 2013

King of the Nerds, Episode 5, Nerdy Quotes

In episode five, "High IQ's," Bobby tells the nerds that they will be tested in one area where all nerds should have an advantage - pure intelligence. Listening to some of the things the nerds say, I wonder if they're smart at all. They try to sound smart, but sometimes they're really not.

This week's Nerd War was to put together a large Rubik's cube, and then use the numbers on the cube to solve a Sudoku puzzle. The nerd-off tested the two nerds on their working memory, or as the hosts called it, "the human equivalent of RAM."


You don't usually see the contestants look right into the camera while they're being filmed (other than in the "confessional"), but there's a moment when Genevieve looks right into the camera when she mentions the word, "alliance." It's as if she feels guilty and she's afraid that the cameraman will reveal the secret to Virgil. It's pretty funny.

Because the teams did not have an equal number of teammates, one nerd on the Servants of the Forbidden Orb team has to sit this challenge out. Joshua quickly volunteers, saying he's the best candidate to sit out. Is he saying he doesn't have "pure intelligence"? That's a funny thing for a nerd to admit, even indirectly. I think he was just scared of the challenge. *wink*

The confrontation between Ivan and Virgil was pretty creepy. It's so funny to me that all of the other nerds who were voted into a nerd-off by the other team thought it was a compliment that the other team thought of them as a "threat" and wanted the out of the competition. Ivan just gets angry. Come on, Ivan, lighten up!

We all know what it's like when we have a confrontation with someone and we can't think of anything clever to say at the moment, but then later think of all of the witty things we could have said. Confessionals on Reality TV shows are perfect for that. We definitely hear lots of funny things in the confessionals, and you know the contestant spent a lot of time thinking those comebacks up.

I noticed that most of these contestants are definitely not grammar nerds. See if you can find the quotes that have incorrect grammar. The answers are at the bottom of the post.


Virgil: Intrateam dynamics has gotten so much simpler. I no longer have to, like, socially navigate complicated social things.

Genevieve: I would have felt really badly going home on a comic book challenge.

Genevieve: I'm gonna change, 'cause I don't need to walk around in a red unitard all day. Fun as it is.

Ivan: Head wanted you to go. Heart wanted you to stay.
Genevieve: I appreciate that.
Ivan: Yep, it's usually how it is.

Genevieve: My biggest threat right now is Ivan. It's just so much fun to watch him squirm.

Joshua: Me and Ivan have definitely bonded through our time here.

Ivan: It's gonna be you and I, won't it?

Joshua: Make sure your seatbelts are on tight, 'cause this is gonna get one bumpy ride.
Ivan: [responds in "Shyriiwook"]
Joshua: You said it, Wookie.

Celeste: Everyone knows me as "The Rubik's Cube Girl," 'cause I can solve it super fast.

Genevieve: Crud, it's that spatial mechanics puzzle where you have to build a square. I hate those!

Moogega: This is my thing! Sudoku puzzles are what I do when I don't want to think and I just want to go to bed and ease my mind. They're easy.

Virgil: Sudoku does not speak to my skills at all. It's important to be meticulous, and being meticulous is not a strength of mine. At least in science, they say there are two kinds of thinkers. There are the careful plotters and there are the intuitive artists. And I'm more in the "intuitive thinks beyond" frameworks.

Danielle: I feel like I'm in some messed up version of Baywatch.

Bobby: It's interesting they chose to run through the fountain instead of around it. Pure intelligence?

Moogega: We don't have to kill ourselves. We're going to do the Sudoku in, like, two seconds.

Ivan: It's time for the fire-breather to come out. I am a dragon!

Joshua: Speed up guys, speed up!
(Note to Joshua: That's not a way to cheer on your teammates. That's just a way to make them more annoyed at you.)

Virgi: I was running as fast as I possibly could. Like I'm a bullet. I go fast.

Ivan: I'm going to lead building the cube. I mean, I've played enough Tetras to know, build it in a spiral all the way up to the top.

Virgil: I'm much more developed on the mental side than the physical side. I mean, I think by genetics.
(Side note: It's funny that Virgil can't just simply say "I'm smarter than I am strong." And he blames his parets for his lack of strength. That is something you can change.

Bobby: You can literally see the brains working now, Curtis.
Curtis: Well, virtually.
Bobby: Indeed.

Bobby: I think we may have found the one area where Ivan doesn't excel.
Curtis: Perhaps he would do better in his Panda Chicken outfit.
Bobby: Possibly.

Ivan (as Chicken Panda): I will do my best, 'cause that's what Chicken Panda does.

Joshua: All I can do is sit on the sidelines and do absolutely nothing, and that's killing me.
(Uh, Joshua, I thnk it was your choice to do "absolutely nothing.")

Bobby: Joshua appears to be channeling his Chi, pushing it toward his team.

Joshua: I just had to calm down and relax and breath. And send them good juju juice.

Curtis: We're going to have to check the rule book on that. I'm not sure if you're allowed to help them through the power of your mind.

Virgil: I'm [curious to see] what the most advanced flight simulator in the world is like. And I hope it has guns.

Ivan: Numbers are hard, guys.

Virgil: So, first we put on the Top Gunesque flight suits. That was kind of neat. It's fun to play dress-up.

Celeste: Got my throttle, got my joy stick, got my missile button, got my trash talk button.

Celeste: I can't understand this. Why is Virgil better than me? It doesn't make any sense.

Genevieve: Ivan, in your own words, sometimes you have to make your decision with your head and not your heart. We love you, Bunny, but this is a "head" decision.

Virgil: I'm not realy authorized on behalf of my team, but for anything that's not, like, confidential, I'm... I'm... I mean... I mean... why not make communication open?

Ivan: From what I'm inferring, I mean, I know you can't really tell me...
Virgil: I can't.
Ivan: sounds like you're picking Moo.

Ivan: You've made that point clear...
Virgil: Okay, good. Good. 'Cause, just... just...
Ivan: ...and I one hundred percent hear you out.

Ivan: You know, if you cut off a Hydra's head, two more grow back.
Virgil: Well, that's very clever.
Joshua: Unlike your retort.

Ivan: I just hope it involves the Pillars of Lava and light sabers like we discussed.

Virgil: We are playing them so hard and it's hilarious.
Genevieve: And we're not even trying. That's the thing.
Virgil: We're trying a little bit. Well, I'm trying.

Virgil: No one has a right to intimidate anyone. It's not a nice thing to do. I mean, it's not written in the consittutuion. I'm not familiar with anything like that.

Genevieve: Ivan, please take your angst from the room, because I'm not prepared to deal with it.

Ivan: The dragon's been hiding out in his cave this entire time, but now I'm here to spit fire, spin it, and reign it down from the heavens.

Genevieve: Ivan, there comes a time we're all gonna have to eat each other. It's your turn, so suck it up and be a an.

Joshua: It's kind of like Obi-Wan turning on Anakin.

Joshua: You and I will go head to head, Sabertooth and Wolverine.

Ivan: There's nothing more epic than a Sumo wrestler.

Curtis: See if he can remember where the other pair are.

Joshua: Feelin' the comeback. Feelin' the power.

Ivan: Really? Two different swords? There's an Arthur sword and a barbarian sword.
(Ivan, the "Arthur" sword is called "Excalibur.")

Joshua: I have chosen wisely.

Curtis: You can cut the tension with a barbarian sword.

Celeste: Danielle seems to be trying to strangle herself with her pink hair.

Joshua: This is actually a lot more difficult than it looks.

Danielle: He played this game like a rogue. I saw right through it. Like cellophane. Like Saran Wrap. Like the stuff you put over food to keep fresh.

Ivan: There is only six people left.

Joshua: I feel like a heaping pile of Sarlac excrement.
(Joshua, you should stay away from metaphors.)

Joshua: I'm gonna go home and throw on, like, a Firefly marathon, just catch up on all my comics, then maybe go back and beat a game I haven't played in a while.

Incorrect Grammar Answers:

Virgil: Intrateam dynamics has gotten so much simpler. I no longer have to, like, socially navigate complicated social things. (Should be have)

Genevieve: I would have felt really badly going home on a comic book challenge. (Should be bad)

Joshua: Me and Ivan have definitely bonded through our time here. (Should be I, well, actually Ivan and I)

Ivan: It's gonna be you and I, won't it? (Should be me)

Celeste: I can't understand this. Why is Virgil better than me? It doesn't make any sense. (Technically, should be I, however, it's become very common to say better than me, so I'll let that one slide)

Curtis: See if he can remember where the other pair are. (Should be is)

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