Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 2, ep. 22, Quippy Quotes

It's the beginning of the end - of season 2. "Becoming, Part 2" is a great episode, definitely in my list of the top 10 episodes of Buffy. The episode is filled with suspense, action, angst, and drama, but still has the personal, quiet moments that are done so well in Buffy. And, of course, there's the humor and wonderful writing. And to top it off, there's a duel. Best scene in the entire episode (and probably on my list of top 10 best scenes in the whole series): Spike sitting in Buffy's living room with her mother. It's priceless. And let me tell you, the end of this episode is so heartbreaking. Again, Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz just act the heck out of the scene.

If Buffy the Vampire Slayer were on television in first runs today, "Becoming, Part 1" would have ended season 2 in the Spring with the cliffhanger, and viewers would have had to wait until the fall to see what happened to Buffy, Angel, and the Scooby gang. However, Buffy ran in the 1990s when television wasn't all about leaving viewers hanging for four months to find out what happened. They only had to wait until the next week. I only had to wait until 'Becoming, Part 2" started on Netflix streaming right after watching "Becoming, Part 1. The only good thing about not watching it when it first premiered on network TV.


Buffy: You okay?
Cordelia: I ran. I think I made it through three counties before I realized nobody was chasing me. Not too brave.
Buffy: It was the right thing to do.

Angel (to Giles): Oh, yea. Acathla. He's an even harder guy to wake up than you are.

Buffy: What are you doing here?
Whistler: Waiting for you.
Buffy: Why?
Whistler: 'Cause I... I need a date to the prom.
Buffy: I've had a really bad day, okay? If you have information worth hearing, then I am grateful for it. If you're gonna crack jokes, then I'm gonna pull out your ribcage and wear it as a hat, okay?
Whistler: Hello to the imagery! Very nice.

Whistler: In the end you're always by yourself. You're all you've got. That's the point.
Buffy: Spare me.

Spike: Hello, cutie.

Spike: Will you hold on a second! [Buffy pulls out a stake] Hey! White flag here. I quit.
Buffy: Let me clear this up for you. We're mortal enemies. We don't get time-outs.

Spike: I want to stop Angel. I want to save the world.
Buffy: Okay, you do remember that you're a vampire, right?
Spike: We like to talk big, vampires do. "I'm going to destroy the world." It's just tough-guy talk. Struttin' around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I like this world. You've got dog racing, Manchester United, and you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here.

Spike: Angel could pull it off. Goodbye Picadilly, farewell bloody Leichester Square. You know what I'm saying?

Willow: My head... feels big. Is it big?
Oz: No. It's head-size.

Joyce: Buffy, terrible things have happened. What were you doing?
Spike: What? Your mum doesn't know?
Joyce: Know what?
Buffy: That I'm uh... in a band. A rock band, with Spike here.
Spike: Right. She plays the... triangle.
Buffy: Drums.
Spike: Drums, yea. She's hell on the old skins.
Joyce: Mm. And, uh, what do you do?
Spike: Well, I sing.

Joyce: Buffy. What is going on.
Buffy: Mom. I'm a vampire slayer.
[Joyce's face is priceless]

Joyce: Have we met?
Spike: You hit me with an ax one time. Remember, uh, "Get the hell away from the daughter!"?
Joyce: Oh. (pause) So, do you live here in town?

Spike: Dru bagged a slayer? She didn't tell me. Hey, good for her. Though not from your perspective, I suppose.
Buffy: I can't believe I invited you into my house.

Spike: Look, this deal works only one way. Full stop.

Joyce: Honey, are you sure you're a vampire slayer.

Joyce: I mean, have your tried not being a slayer?

Joyce: It's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it?
Buffy: It's just fate, Mom. I'm the Slayer. Accept it.

Joyce (re: the police): You're not going to hurt them, are you?
Buffy: I'm a slayer, not a postal worker.

Buffy: I told you, I'm a vampire slayer.
Joyce Well, I just don't accept that.

Willow: There's no use arguing with me. Do you see my resolve face? You've seen it before; you know what it means.

Oz: Okay, I pretty much missed out on some stuff, didn't I? Because this is all making the kind of sense that's... not.

Angel: All right. Someone get the chain saw.
Spike: No, now, don't let's lose our temper.
Angel: Keep out of it, sit-'n-spin.

Buffy: You never, ever go a single date in high school, did you?
Principal Snyder: Your point being?

Buffy: I can deal. I got nothin' left to lose.
[Buffy leaves]
Whistler: Wrong, kid. You got one more thing.

Xander: The cavalry's here. The cavalry's a frightened guy with a rock, but it's here.

Oz: Did I mention I didn't take Latin.
Willow: You don't have to understand it. You just have to say it. I hope.

Spike (to Drusilla): I don't want to hurt you, baby. [knocks her out] Doesn't mean I won't.

Giles: You're not real.
Xander: Sure I'm real.
Giles: It's a trick. They get inside my head. Make me see things I want.
Xander: Then why would they make you see me?
Giles: You're right. Let's go.

Angel: That's everything, huh? No weapons, no friends, no hope. Take all that away, and what's left?
Buffy: Me.

Final thoughts:

  • I love the song at the end, "Full of Grace" by Sarah McLachlan. If you haven't it heard it, check it out on iTunes. I knew the song before I ever got into Buffy, and I feel like it fits so perfectly in this episode.
  • At the very end of the credits, Joss Whedon's Mutant Enemy ghoul says "Oh, I need a hug" instead of his regular, "Grrr Arrggh"

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