Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Doctor Who: Cold War

"Cold War" could also have been called "Russians in a Submarine," or "A Martian in a Submarine." Or perhaps, "Russians, a Martian, the Doctor and Clara in a Submarine." That sounds like the beginning of a joke. *wink*

The last two episodes of Doctor Who have been very grand and epic. "Cold War" was very different from those two episode in that the Doctor and Clara find themselves trapped in a Russian submarine in 1983, with a Martian on the loose. Very claustrophobic. And great suspense.

This was a great stand-alone episode. There was no timey-wimey stuff. Nothing confusing. It was very straight-forward and very good.


It's funny the Russian is speaking English before the Tardis gets there. Not only that, but he calls the Martian milaya moya, which means "my sweet" in Russian. If he's speaking English, wouldn't he just call it "my sweet."

The young soldier who thaws the Martian out says before he takes a blow torch to the frozen ice block the Martian is contained in, "The Professor wants you thawed out in Moscow, but life's too short to wait." If only he had waited, his life might have been a little bit longer.

The Doctor's destination was Las Vegas, but the Tardis always takes the Doctor where he needs to go, so they end up on a sinking Soviet submarine, where they can save the Russians from the Martian. I wonder what era the Doctor was taking Clara to in Las Vegas. By her dress it looks like the 50s or early 60s.

Why does the Doctor have a Barbie?

How could the Tardis fit in a submarine?

I love the Doctor's face when he sees the Martian.

I love that the Doctor gets to meet an alien that he already has "history" with. An alien that was introduced during Doctor Who's classic era. It's great, since this is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who to bring back aliens that long time fans are familiar with.

The Captain is pretty quick to believe that the monster is really a "Martian." It's very convenient that he believes so quickly.

It's funny that when the Stepashin says to the Captain (re: what the Doctor is saying), "Why are we listening to this nonsense, Captain?" that we see the Professor listening to "Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran on his Walkman.

So, we know the Tardis Translation Matrix works even when the Tardis isn't around. Hmm. And yet, why is it working now, and it didn't work in the last episode when Clara couldn't understand many of the aliens?

The scene when Clara goes into the hold by herself where Skaldak has been chained up is great. It's very similar to the scene in the 2005 episode, "Dalek," when rose meets a Dalek for the first time.

I love it when the Doctor tells Clara to stay where she is and all she says, "okay." It takes him a minute to realize that indeed, she is actually going to stay put. After Amy, he's not used to having a companion who actually does what he tells her to do. It's a funny moment.

I'm surprised that Clara's reaction isn't bigger after seeing what Skaldak did to the two soldiers. She tells the Professor that seeing them made it all "very real." I would think that she would be totally freaked out, not so calm.


Professor: Have I interrupted something?
Captain: We were about to blow up the world, Professor.
Professor: Again?

Clara: Not Vegas then?
Doctor: No, and this is much better!
Clara: A sinking submarine?
Doctor: A sinking Soviet submarine.

Captain: It seems we owe you our lives. Whoever you are.
Doctor: I'll hold you to that. It might come in handy.

Doctor: Hair, shoulder pads, nukes - it's the 80s. Everything's bigger.

Doctor: All right, Captain. All right. You know, just this once. No dissembling, no psychic paper. No pretending to be an Earth ambassador. Doctor. Me and Clara - time travelers.

Doctor: It never rains, but it pours.

Clara: What is it, then?
Doctor: It's an Ice Warrior. A native from the planet Mars. And we go way back. Way back.
Captain: A martian? You can't be serious.
Doctor: I'm always serious, with days off.
Clara: Doctor!
Doctor: Just keeping it light, Clara. They're scared.
Clara: They're scared? I'm scared!

Captain: So, what do we do?
Doctor: Lock. Him. Up.

Doctor: By his own standards, Skaldak is a hero. It was said his enemies honored him so much, they carved his name in their own flesh before they died.
Clara: Oh, yea. Very nice. He sounds lovely.

Doctor: Oh, look. You got me telling you about them, and I told you there wasn't time.

Professor: Maybe they're telling the truth.
Stepashin: The truth?
Professor: Yes. Revolutionary concept, I know.

Doctor: Skaldak won't talk to you. You're an enemy soldier.
Captain: How would he know that?
Doctor: A soldier knows another soldier. He'll smell it on you, smell it on you a mile off.
Captain: And he wouldn't smell it on you, Doctor?

Clara: I don't smell of anything, to my knowledge.

Professor: I think he wants to talk to the organ grinder and not the monkey.
Clara: I heard that.

Clara: How did I do? Was I okay?
Doctor: This wasn't a test, Clara.
Clara: I know, but ---
Doctor: You were great, yea.
Clara: Really?
Doctor: Really.

Doctor: It couldn't be any worse. [submarine shifts] Okay. Spoke too soon.

Stepashin: What do you want with me?
Skaldak: Much.

Professor: I always sing a song.
Clara: What?
Professor: To keep my spirits up.
Clara: Yea, that would work. If this was Pinocchio.

Professor (sings): "I'm hungry like the wolf."
Clara: I'm not singing.
Professor: Don't you know it?
Clara: Of course I know it. We do it at karaoke, the odd hen night.
Professor: Karaoke? Hen night? You speak excellent Russian, my dear, but sometimes I don't understand a word you're talking about.

Doctor: Stay here.
Clara: Okay.
Doctor: Stay here, don't argue.
Clara: I'm not.
Doctor: Right. Good.

Professor: And the Doctor. What he said, is it true? You're from another time? From a future? Clara?
Clara: Yes.
Professor: Tell me what happens.
Clara: I can't!
Professor: Well, I need to know.
Clara: I'm not allowed.
Professor: No, please!
Clara: I can't!
Professor: Ultravox. Do they split up?

Skaldak: Well, Doctor. Which of us shall blink first?

Clara: Saved the world, then?
Doctor: Yea.
Clara: That's what we do.
Doctor: Yea.

Next time: Hide

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