Friday, April 12, 2013

Grimm: One Angry Fuchsbau

This was another good episode. This episode is about a Ziegevolk attorney who is defending a man who threw his wife off their bedroom balcony, killing her. The Ziegevolk give off a scent that gives them the ability to persuade people to believe anything the Ziegevolk tells them. This is very convenient for the man who hired him, as his lawyer is able to sway witnesses and the jury. We met a Ziegevolk before in season 1 in "Lonelyhearts."


Every time I see Monroe's VW Bug, it makes me smile.

If you've been reading my posts on Grimm, you may be tired of me complaining about how they keep stringing out the plot of Juliette's selective amnesia. Well, let me tell you, I would love to say that it's been resolved. It's getting there, but not quickly enough.

Why does it take going to the trailer for Juliette to remember Nick? She lived with him in their house for three years, so the majority of her memories of him are in that house. Why does it take going to the trailer for her to suddenly remember him? And I wanted there to be something bigger in the moment she remembers him for the first time. After this long - it was so anticlimactic. I am glad that she's starting to remember him. But I don't want her to just remember seeing him in the trailer or in the house. I want her to remember her feelings for him. It's frustrating to me that her memories of him are freaking her out. At this point I really am ready to say, "Who cares?" I'm so over Juliette.

I guess it doesn't make a difference to the producers if I don't like Juliette anymore, and if I don't care about her and Nick's relationship anymore. I'm still watching because I like the rest of the show and I care about the other characters. And that's all they and the network care about - if I'm watching, right? Okay, enough about that. Back to this week's story.

I've been wondering when Nick was going to hear from his mother again. Nick got an email from her, now I want to find out where she went, and what she did with the coins. So, now when do we get to see his Mom again?

Nick doesn't even seem that happy that Juliette remembered seeing him in the trailer. With a reaction like that, it makes me care about their relationship even less.

Since this is a murder case, wouldn't the jury be sequestered? Rosalee is in her shop and Monroe is saying that they need the "whole jury to vote guilty." Isn't that kind of influence to a jury member wrong? And he's saying this in front of two cops. Hmm.

Oh no. The Latina that Juliette met in "La Llarona" who sensed that Juliette was going through something "magical" came to see Juliette and told her that her journey is "just beginning." What? I wish she said her journey was almost over.

I love their plan to get the Ziegevolk's sweat. And I love that they enlisted Bud's help. I've missed Bud.

I love that Bud is celebrating with everyone else that their plan worked.

That's one angry Fuchsbau.

Okay, just one more thing about Juliette. I am glad that she's starting to remember Nick. But I don't want her to just remember seeing him in the trailer or in the house. I want her to remember her feelings for him. It's frustrating to me that her memories of him are freaking her out. At this point I really am ready to say, "Who cares?" I'm so over Juliette.


Nick: We can't both be crazy.
Monroe: Why not?

Juliette: I still want to go. When?
Monroe: I'm kind of ready right now.
Juliette: Okay.
Monroe: I mean right now. In, I'm standing on your front porch.

Monroe: It smells good. I didn't know you could cook.
Nick: I can't. This is take-out.

Nick: I need to talk to her.
Monroe: You've been talking to her all day in her head, man. I think she's kinda "Nick'd" out.

Hank (re: Renard): Do you believe him?
Nick: Yea.
Hank: Do you trust him?
Nick: I don't know.

Monroe (talking to Nick on his cell): Hey, are you busy?
Nick: Why?
Monroe: I think you need to get down to the courthouse on sixth.
Nick: And what's the problem?
Monroe: Oh, nothing much. Just some rampant witness and jury tampering.

Monroe: This guy's not just picking women, he's picking up an entire jury.

Monroe: I'm tellin' ya, it's a toad.

Hank: Now that we know what we're dealing with, isn't there some sort of immunity nasal spray you can make to keep Kellogg from influencing you?

Nick: Eating frogs isn't illegal. Forget trying to prove they have magical powers to influence a jury.

Nick: First we find him, and then we make him sweat.

Monroe: Oh, he's sweatin'. But I think I pulled a groin muscle.

Nick: So, you ran away in concern of her safety.
Kellogg: Absolutely. Wouldn't you?

Monroe (to himself): Two toads? Two toads. One dose. Seriously?

Nick: We're trying to identify the man who can identify the man who chased you.

Eric: A little bit of Hexenbiest goes a long way.

Eric: What's different about you?
Adalind: Nothing. Why?
Eric: You have this... glow.
Adalind: That's 'cause I'm with you.

Bud: I still can't believe I actually stole some guy's sweat.

Monroe: He attacked Rosalee, so you basically saved this guy's life.

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